85 life hacking technology that will simplify life
Technologies / / December 19, 2019
1. To quickly change the capitalization of MS Word, select the phrase, and then press the key combination Shift + F3. keep Shift and repeatedly press F3To select the desired option: uppercase first letters, all lowercase, or with everything from big letters.
2. To get a summary of the English-language articles, install the Chrome extension TLDR. This plugin shows the essence of the article, so you can determine whether you want to read it in its entirety.
3. To open accidentally closed tab, use the Ctrl / Cmd + Shift +T.
4. To create a password that is difficult to crack, use not only English letters.
5. To make it easier to check a long article for errors and typos, insert text in the «Google Translator" and listen.
6. To check the text on the stylistic and grammatical errors, use the service "Glavred».
7. If you save a presentation in .PPS format instead of .PPT, when you open the file immediately goes into a slide show mode.
8. Do you want to charge the phone a little faster? Set it to flight mode.
9. You choose a domain name and want to know how much it will cost? you on Iwantmyname.com.
10. A bunch of files stored in different cloud services? Use to manage all of them easier and safer Otixo.com.
11. Connect the frozen phone to the charger, and it will warm up faster.
12. To distinguish between the cables, attach them signed with a pen or marker clips from cereal packages.
13. To quickly lock the lost bank card, keep a number of hotlines banks.
14. Keep a couple of bills in the space between the phone and the case for it. Just in case.
15. Someone wants to call with your iPhone? Use Siri, to unlock the screen to make a call. A person will not have access to any of the other applications.
16. If you are bugged calls, press the Volume Down button to quickly mute the ringing.
17. Your best assistant when homework is not Google.com. Use instead Scholar.google.com. Add to inquiry PDFTo look for work, which can be downloaded.
18. laptop battery lasts longer if you charge it to 80%, not 100%.
19. If you can not remember the name of the song, but know ringtone or text it to Hum Midomi (Only works for English songs).
20. When you book a plane ticket, clear cookies before you start the search, or buy in incognito mode. So prices will be lower.
21. The best Music to work - soundtracks for video games. They are designed in such a way as to detract as little as possible.
22. Want to play "Tetris" on a Mac? In Safe Mode dial Emacs and press Enter. then click Esc + Xdial tetris and press Enter. Use the arrow keys to move and rotate the blocks in the game.
23. To find a solution to the problem associated with the removal of your computer problem, add the search query word "agreed" or "corrected."
24. To block social networking sites for a while, use the app SelfControl.
25. For equal division sound when using one headphone for two turn Mono Audio feature in the phone.
26. Saving an Excel file into a format .XLSB reduce its size by 50-75%.
27. Someone alarm for mobile is broken, but it still can not be cut off? Call the master phone, and the problem will be solved.
28. In order not to send the wrong email recipient, first enter your e-mail, and the recipient - in the end.
29. If the printer has run out of ink black, change the font color to # 010101 (so you get a dark gray).
30. You are in the hotel and forgot the adapter for the charger? Check the TV - there has to be USB-in.
31. Queen song bohemian Rhapsody ideal for testing headphones and speakers, because it contains a large range of high and low frequencies.
32. I stayed old cassette case? Use it as a stand for mobile.
33. Do you want to quickly and easily convert part of a video on YouTube in SIFCO? The URL of the video insert gif before youtube.com
34. To paste the copied text without formatting, use Cmd / Ctrl + Shift + V.
35. Keyboard shortcut Cmd / Ctrl + Shift + Del Chrome will open in data cleansing browser window.
36. To look at the YouTube video age-restricted, without entering your account, replace watch? V = The URL-address in the v /.
37. To distinguish the headphones from each other, make a small knot on one of them.
38. To delete the last number in the calculator on the iPhone, swipe left or right.
39. If you live near the stadium or concert hall, set «Google Alerts" for this place. So you'll know that soon a big match or concert, and avoid unexpected traffic jams.
40. To remember the time of an event, enter any number and reset. So you keep the correct time.
41. Do you want to meet a friend at the airport, but do not know the exact time of arrival? Zaguglit, from where and how each airline flies. The search engine will give you all the necessary information.
42. Establish a list of important (event calendar, schedule, shopping lists) as a wallpaper on your phone.
43. If you hold Shift + Volume up / down on the Mac, there was the sound volume report.
44. The easiest way to increase the volume of the earpiece - put it in an empty cup.
45. Take a picture of business cards, which was handed to you. If you lose it, the contact is saved.
46. Throw the batteries to check how long they will last. The higher jump battery, the lower its level of charge.
47. To send a note, which will disappear after reading, use Privnote.com.
48. Life hacking for developers: if you want to know by what technology to make a website, use BuiltWith.com
49. Need an audio recording of an unusual sound? Look for it on Downloadfreesound.com.
50. To quickly delete files or folders without putting them in the basket, use Shift + Del.
51.Smallpdf It can help you convert PDF-files to other formats, and vice versa.
52. We opened a lot of tabs in Chrome? To move to the right, click Cmd / Ctrl + Serial number tab, and scrolling through them one by one - Cmd / Ctrl + Tab.
53. press KTo pause YouTube-Video. No matter what part of the page you clicked before.
54. To scroll the web page horizontally or sideways, press ShiftAnd then run the mouse wheel.
55. To increase or decrease web page, hold Cmd / CtrlAnd then click on the mouse wheel.
56. Click on the link with the mouse wheel to open the page in another tab. If you have too many tabs, click on the unwanted mouse wheel. They will be closed.
57. Through Ninite You can install multiple applications simultaneously.
58. on Mac Ctrl + mouse click works the same as clicking the right mouse button.
59. Turn your handwriting into a font by using MyScriptFont.
60. To select an entire row, use in Excel Shift + Space. To select a column - Ctrl + Space.
61. Many technology companies have a status page, which shows how services work. For example, here is the status page Apple and Facebook.
62.Youtube Audio Library - library of music that you can use in your YouTube-Video.
63. To know the date of the release of new games and movies will help Forekast.
64. Urgently needed a mirror? Turn on the front of the smartphone camera as if you were going to make a selfie.
65. The coin will split ring key fob so you hung the new key.
66. Do not throw away the box from a smartphone. It is perfect for storing cables and headphones on the go.
67. To make sure that you give the correct number, read its owner, making a mistake. If you are correct, the correct number.
68. You can not solve a mathematical problem? download the app PhotoMath and scan it. The answer appears on the screen.
69. In case you lose your mobile, select the contact number of a loved one, and his name on the lock screen.
70. Use alligator clips to share your cables.
71. To immediately find the meaning of a word, type in the Google search box: define: [your search term].
72. We learned a new word, but do not know how to use it? Zaguglit word, then select a search on "News" section. So you will see the use of the word in writing.
73. To download videos from YouTube, insert ss before youtube.com.
74. So you do not interfere with in-game advertising on a smartphone, put it to flight mode.
75. To refine your search results, use WolframAlpha.com.
76. View, edit or annotation of PDF-documents available on PDFEscape.com.
77. Through Marker.to you can select text on Web pages with yellow marker.
78. Write notes, edit, and send the score, you can use Noteflight.
79.dark Background or themes will save 68% battery life for smartphones with AMOLED screens.
80. To quickly find the right letter GmailWrite the keyword in quotation marks, for example, "Invoice".
81. To find the email with an attachment in Gmail, enter the search string has: attachment.
82. «Quiet place"Will help to relax and get away from the worries for a couple of minutes.
83. Shorten links using bit.ly script.
84. To make panoramic images on iOS in different directions, click the arrow, and switch from left to right or right to left.
85. You can take a screenshot of the video, if look at it through the VLC Media Player. press Shift + S Windows or Cmd + Alt + S on the Mac.