11 best YouTube channels for computer geeks
Devices Technologies / / December 19, 2019
If the rollers are unpacking your new computer gadgets make you almost the same feeling as a strip, and the characteristic plastic the smell of a new device like more than the most refined spirits, then, congratulations, you - a real boom, and this collection is for the you.
We have gathered the most popular English-language and not just YouTube channels that allow you to keep abreast of the latest novelties of the information technologies, first to find out the secrets behind the scenes, and announcements of future devices and is easily the largest companies to find creative solutions to the most complicated computer problems.
Unbox Therapy
UnboxTherapy is one of the most popular technology channels on YouTube with nearly 4 million subscribers. Here you will find the unpacking of the latest gadgets, testing and reviews of them, including the components of the PC, smart phones, tablets, peripherals, and even game consoles.
Unbox Therapy →
ty Moss
This channel is primarily intended for owners of iPhone, iPad, iPod, Mac and other Apple technology. In addition, there are sometimes other gadgets that compete with Apple products and are benchmarked.
Ty Moss →
Here are concentrated all the latest news and rumors surrounding the company Apple, its gadgets, software and operating system. There is also a video dedicated to the comparison with other similar products.
iCrackUriDevice →
CNET - is another site about technology, where you will find product reviews, exclusive interviews, video tutorials, and the latest tech news. They also do a great job on the coverage of conferences and exhibitions such as CES, downloading a lot of interesting video that you can find at the event.
LinusTechTips dedicated to information about your PC. Here you will find videos of techniques such as computer cases, motherboards and graphics cards, keyboards, mice and headsets. In addition to unpacking, here you will find many other useful information for installation, configuration and operation of computer parts.
LinusTechTips →
Marques Brownlee
This channel generally describes mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets. While here you will not find such a variety of devices, such as other channels of this review, though presented videos give viewers a detailed and complete information about the device in question.
Marques Brownlee →
The Verge
TheVerge is one of the most popular sites dedicated to computer technology. They are known to almost always the first means of mass media to get naisvezhayshaya gadgets, applications and services. You can enjoy the daily short-term issues on their channel, where you talk about the most popular technologies and the news of the day.
The Verge →
Android Authority
As the name of this channel you will find here a lot of news about the operating system. They have a lot of smart phones and tablet reviews, that are running Android.
Android Authority →
This channel is dedicated to reviews of the latest computer components, their testing and comparison. In addition, channel rollers have information on how to build your own computer, and reviews of the best games for the PC. Some videos are pretty decent length and contain a large amount of useful information.
The channel dedicated to the latest mobile products, including smartphones, tablets, ultrabuki and portable gaming devices. Unlike many competitors, they speak not only of the main brands and their products, but also the less famous devices that do not get as much attention in other sources.
Mobilegeeks.de →
TechCrunch - is another popular site on the digital divide, who decided to create a video channel for your readers. Presented videos include exclusive interviews and the latest news from the world of science and technology. There is also a kind of talk show, where several leading discuss current issues relating to technologies and their impact on the world.
TechCrunch →
And Layfhaker, of course!
At the conclusion of this review, we can not fail to mention the official channel of our blog on YouTube, where you can see the most interesting and impressive videos about self-development, science, sports, and, of course, about the modern technologies. Subscribe with us interesting!
Layfhaker →
And what interesting computer channels on YouTube you see?