Of personal privacy in Google+ Guide
Technologies / / December 19, 2019
"Who owns the information - he owns the world." With this saying familiar to many, and many would like you can know more about the people around them, but their personal affairs, we would like to hide as much as possible it's better. Security of personal information - that's what most worried about network users. And it seems that Google+ successfully cope with this task, but you need to know how to use it.
In this guide, you will learn about the settings on Google+ circles from the point of view of privacy as control what you see on the other people, setting rassharivaniya posts from your friends and other standard options.
Privacy and your Circles
Circles in Google+ - this is a very easy way to manage your contacts. Most of the ways to manage your personal information will depend on what circles you are currently set up, and what rights of access allot. For example, you create such circles as "Family", "Friends", "Colleagues," "Bloggers" and so on, "settled" for this group of people with whom you want to share information or to read them the tape.
Here's what you should know:
Your circles are private by default. Separate circles that you've created, and the people who belong to these groups, only visible to you. That is, you can create a circle «WTF», to put his boss or an annoying friend. And none of these people, nor any of the others will not know about it.
Managing those whose post sees can be a bit confusing so far. The most important thing to remember who and what you put circle. Because some of the information is not desirable for the disc "colleagues" or circle, "Just friends". Be careful when rassharivat their posts. This is how to send an instant messenger to the wrong person, or forget to remove copies of the letter of its customers in the correspondence with the staff. Silly situation, right?
The difference between the circles for Google+, foloverov on Twitter or Facebook friends
Many people like it as easy and intuitive to use circles. It is much more open and obvious than the list of friends in FB. But still there are some subtleties to keep in mind in community management. Especially if you are accustomed to how the Twitter and Facebook.
1. Similarly, as in Twitter, you can read all the posts of people who are interesting to you, without adding to mutual friends. This does not add to mutual friends in FB. In this regard, Google+ is very similar to Twitter.
2. At the same time, anyone can add you to their circles without your consent, as opposed to Twitter, where there is an option in the settings of "Protect my tweets" (people who are not on your list, can not read your tweets). Therefore, the entire responsibility is shared when choosing the right settings for you. Even if someone adds you to their circles without mutual consent, it still will not be able to see your posts as long as you have not made a public post.
On the one hand, Google+ circles is much easier to set up and use, as they are the backbone of this social network. On the other hand, they are a mixture of several social networks and may at first seem a little confusing.
Since people can follow you and to add to their circles without your consent, you must be aware of the privacy settings by publishing each post.
control of information that people see in your profile
Your Google+ profile refers to your data (education, occupation, place of residence), photos and videos you rassharivat, following links, etc. Therefore, after how you set your social circle page editing the profile becomes one of the main ways to control the privacy Goole +.
To edit your profile private settings, click on the button that looks like a circle with a silhouette inside and then click on the button «Edit Profile»
Preferences of your profile by default:
Full name. This is the only option that is required to fill out and which is visible to all users. Changing your name here will change your name across all Google products.
Also in the network everyone can see: your entry, your profile picture, your gender, who is present in your circles and who have you in circles, and a button with which you can send e-mail (but not your real email address).
Your circles can see your: introduction, job, education, place of residence, marital status, interests, links.
Open only for you as long as you do not change it in the settings: occupation, home and work contact information.
You can change the availability of view for each of these sections: for the whole world (any user on the network), your extended circles, your circles, just you, or user groups. Each setting privacy Group has its own icon, so when you look at your profile, you will see which parts are open to any groups.
That is, you can make it available for all your education, your career to show only those in your circles, place of residence only open certain circles, and your status is left open only for themselves.
You want to see how your profile looks to any user on the network? Click on «View profile as» and choose «Anyone on the web»
Visibility to search engines. If you do not want your profile indexed and becomes available for search engines, this option is for you. It is located at the bottom of your profiles to the part of "On page» (About page). Simply remove the check mark from «Help others find my profile in search results» (to help others find my profile in search results), which stands there by default.
Who in your community / in whose circles you. While editing your profile, you can change even the appearance of people in your social network. Look at the left column. Under your list of circles, click on «Change who is visible here» (change the visibility). Thus you control the appearance of the people who are in your circles and those in whose circles have you.
The default setting is visible to everyone. But it is easy to change. You can hide everyone who has added you to a circle, or those who have added you, or show only the selected circles.
Profile picture, e-mail, links. Your profile photo, links and email are open to all. But you can change that too.
Photos in your profile, your other fotorafii, albums in Picasa, please photos you've been tagged by other users Google+ is open to all. You can choose not to display this tab, but even if your tab with photos open to view, others will see only those photos to which you've shared.
Option "People who tagged you automatically leave a link to your profile" allows the default tag you to everyone who is in your circles. This means that if you have confirmed a note of the fact that you are present in this photo, the photo will appear on following links to your profile. Geo-tagging is not necessary to the default, even if you upload photos from your phone with the marks.
In this section, you can either show the tab or hide it.
If you press the "+1" in the search results or positions that you like, it is automatically displayed on your profile page and standing in the default settings (if you click on the +1 to posts in your stream, this show up in your stream, but does not show profile will be). If you do not want it to be displayed on your profile, uncheck this tab.
Show only chosen people, using the following
Once you have distributed the people in the circles and define who can see your profile, the next important step - determine who can see and share your content, which can contain photos, links and videos.
Groups with whom you can share when you rassharivat information in your stream, you can choose which circles or individuals can see these posts, by adding to the group:
Overall - this post will see everyone who has added you to their circles, and will be displayed on your profile page.
Extended circles - everyone who enters the group "General", plus all who are in their circles (as friends of friends in FB).
The name of one or more of your circles.
Separate the names of people to on Google+ (it's just as if you had sent a private message to someone in Google+ - just enter the name of the person with whom you want to share a post).
A note about groups with whom you share your information.
Selecting a time group and opening the published information for it, you can not change it. That is, if you make a post open to a certain group, it will be to see all those who will be added to this group, even after the publication of this post.
By default, when you create a new post of people or circles that you rassharivat it will then be indicated in the «Share with» the publication of the next post. This is especially true for those people and groups with whom you usually share information. So every time you check the publication that stands you in «Share with».
You can open your post with specific circles or people, but you can not open the post to everyone except someone or a circle. That is, if you want to share with someone bugagashenkami the life of your office, you have to create a group of "Everything but the staff" and to open these posts only this circle.
Managing your information flow and posts
Besides being able to control the visibility of your posts, at your disposal there are other management tools: if in the comments to your post trolls showed up, you can either delete them or complain about them Google. You can disable all the comments and disable the census of your records. All this must be done manually every time before the publication of the recording.
Incoming streams. Positions of the people in your circles will appear in your news stream under various categories of interests.
For the people you have not added to his circles, but who read you, the records will be displayed as "Inbound Links". You can disable entries that you are not interested in rassharivaniya, or else add some of these people in one of their circles.
Blocking people. If you think someone is too many writes or posts photos of kittens, you can block that person in your circle settings. However, the blocking may not work as you expect. Blocking people removes their posts and comments from your news feed and hide from them your public records. But do not hide your comments to their stream. Also, it does not hide from their posts or comments, if they will drop it in your profile or in a specific post.
It is more a function of hiding their positions from you than you are of them (out of sight - out of mind).
Your comments on other posts are public. Before leaving the catty comment, remember that your comments to the public posts of other people, too, are open and indexed by search engines. Your one to post another person are also available to the public. Note the status of the post next to the time stamp that will tell how open the record.
Check for other hidden preferences and privacy settings
Click on the icon with a cog (Google+ settings) in order to reach the full set of options. Basically Google+ section, you can set notification options for specific actions (for example, if someone adds you to a circle, or mentioned in the post). By default, your mail will crumble any action notice.
At the bottom you can change the opportunity for everyone immediately begin to correspond with you (it is enabled by default).
Another great thing about where you can breathe freely - Google assured everyone that in Google+ using only encrypted SSL-connection and that the data is removed from Google+, and are also removed from the servers.