22 truths that will help you to wake up
Motivation / / December 19, 2019
Live a worthwhile life, to do what had long dreamed of, and do not regret it. Of course, it is not easy, and there is no guarantee that you will succeed. But it is possible if to develop the right attitude and to make all, without reserve, the effort you can muster. Here are 22 simple truths that help to this tune. Let some of them are a little bit hard, but they will help to understand the laws of this life faster.
1. No one will tell you what you need for happiness and success
As we would like sometimes to rely on other people to tell you what to do, and they were right. Do some of this go to fortune-tellers, or shift the responsibility for their own happiness on elder relatives?
Nevertheless, no one can help you in this matter, and in many others, relating to such important things as your happiness and success. There will have to rely only on themselves, their experience, intuition and feelings.
2. The works that we are doing well, is not necessarily good for us
Much worse quickly move in the wrong direction than slowly - in the right. Ask yourself, especially if you are doing what has always dreamed of?
Even if you're good at some thing, but it takes you farther from your dreams, you have to give it up. The sooner you do, the less will lose your precious time.
3. Most poor people - those who are thinking about someone else's opinion
We have already talked about it, but when it comes to dreams and happiness, just not to mention the common barrier.
You do not have to prove anything, and you can be anyone. Let other people's opinions will be for you just the information, and not a limitation, which can not be overcome.
4. Surrounding people can make you better or break
Even the most positive and strong person surrounded by whiners, sufferers and people with no dreams and goals, sooner or later turn into one of them. That is our nature, so surround yourself with people who inspire you, and not pull back.
5. Do not pretend to be honest
If you are a real and direct communication, it does not make you the most popular and favorite person, but will provide a true friends and necessary contacts.
6. You will always be terribly imperfect
If you wait until become "ideal" to talk about their stories, ideas, and talents to the world, he will never know about you.
7. Comfort - this is the most terrible dream killer
You can rest in the comfort and strive towards its goal. There is no third.
8. You can not change something with which refuses to fight
If you want a new life, will have to abandon the old. If you wish to order, then never had, you must do something never done before.
But you never give up something of the old, until you decide for yourself where you want to be. And when you decide, do not be afraid to start over, to build what you really want.
After 10 unsuccessful start-ups will be the 11 th, which will bring you millions. It does not work only in people who give up on the way to his goal.
9. We all make choices, but in the end the choice makes us
Your choice is between what has happened and what will happen in the future. You is what it is - is not the result of circumstances, but the result of your choice. Do not allow your fears to build your future.
10. The only way of "want" to "have" - course of action
11. Our dreams are becoming a reality only when we make them a reality
They say dreams come true in any case, if you allow yourself to have that, what dream. Proactive help to believe that you are worthy of their dreams. And then everything will come true.
12. Winners win, not because it happened, but because they so chose
Promise yourself something wonderful, and then do whatever is necessary to fulfill that promise. You were born to be successful. But in order to become one, you need to plan, prepare, and expect to work at it every day. There are no secrets to success. Success - is an endless process and a way of life.
13. If you do not give for their achievement, it would not have been so valuable
Pay this price. Much better to get tired of a good and important work than what you are doing nothing.
14. The problem - it is part of any success stories
If you have a problem - it's good. This means that you move towards your goal, learning and growing. Problems do not happen only in the one who does nothing.
15. Focusing on minor issues - the biggest mistake of mankind
Train yourself to think differently. Negative things do not need your attention seven days a week. Instead, think about pleasant moments, favorite people and your goals.
Achieve great success, noting and using a good opportunity, and finding and solving every little problem.
16. Failures are inevitable and necessary
The failure can be your teacher, not an enemy. This is a lesson, not a loss.
17. In life, what you want and what are striving for, rarely coincide perfectly
After all, when you make all that possible, you reach your goal, but it may not be exactly what you seemed.
Just remember that most of life's greatest gifts are not necessarily packed the way you expect it.
18. You are where they should be at this point
Even if something goes wrong as you want. Even if you feel that you have to cancel everything and start from scratch. Every step of the way, and the experience that you gain is needed.
19. You can not change the past, but you can ruin the present, worrying about the future
You are in the present moment. Concentrate on it. Tomorrow will be something that has to happen.
20. You will not be able to live a happy life with a negative outlook
The most important character trait that is present in every successful person - a positive attitude. Your attitude toward life determines how well you live.
21. Life is constantly changing and often makes it quite unexpectedly
Yes, life changing, but you can change with it. When you tear apart the circumstances out of your control, it takes time to decide on their own values and to revise them. Have the courage to make a choice when the time comes, find the strength to pursue the case and the belief that everything will turn out as it should.
22. When you spend your time on experience, you use your imagination to create things, which you do not want
Have you ever realized the truth that helped to live? Share your experiences in the comments.