Whether Apple has reached the limit of beauty?
Makradar Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Technologies are developing at a frantic pace. Every day there is something new and surprising. But all of us are well aware that sometimes even the most high-quality "candy" producer can clothe in a vague "wrapper". Proper design is now almost more important than the product itself.
Stephen Bayley (Stephen Bayley), journalist, one of the most famous news outlets The Daily Telegraph, reasons on a balance of beauty and functionality in the field of technology. These thoughts prompted him to enter the market, "apple" of new products. And not only…
Bailey is indignant: "It was a good week for new products, but a bad week for beauty. Too motley iPhone, swollen tuberous Jaguar and unsightly plastic banknotes. Have we reached a historic moment when beauty is exhausted?
There is no doubt that most of the stunning success of Apple has been associated with the "arts and crafts" (old term for the concept of "design"). Perhaps not every i-consumer realizes that actually bought the product in the style of Bauhaus
[The essence of this style - the rejection of superfluous frills in favor of functionality]. German architect Heinrich Tessenow (Heinrich Tessenow) expressed the essence of this belief system: "The most simple is not always the best, but the best is always simple."How do you like the slogan? No matter what do not like? So Bailey notes that the methodology of the German art-school greatly influenced Apple chief designer Jony Ive, plus to this knowledge Ive added a little more Zen and his experience in the field of modern materials processing to eventually create a "product of exceptional visual and tactile beauty. " And this beautiful design as the shell, Apple may not cover the most advanced technology.
"Ive knows about it - and learned it very well - from the industrial designer Dieter Rams (Dieter Rams) [A leading German company Braun designer from 1962 to 1995, a representative of the school of functionalism in industrial design], Who said that the best design - it is a minimum of design. "
But beauty has its limits. According to the author, iPhone 5, it was impossible to do better, he was "aesthetically perfect," but it was necessary to present something the world, and in the course went "clown colors and special effects." "It seems, Apple did away with the art. The terrible truth about the beauty is that, ultimately, it's boring. People begin to crave variety. Thus, Apple achievements prove that beauty helps to create bestsellers, but in the same way they warn that an excess of beauty can hurt. "