Your personal virtual museum (Facebook)
Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Have you ever wondered how your activity on social networks such as Facebook, describes your life? Friends, work, love, hobbies, interests, career and leisure - all this you can easily know about the person, after studying his profile. The company Intel also thought about it and created a unique application Museum of MeCreating a virtual museum of human based on his Facebook profile. Even during his lifetime! :)
To create a museum you will only need to press one button to grant access to your profile in the social network Facebook and patience. After some waiting, during which all your data will be scanned and processed, you will be presented a virtual tour of your museum.
The exposition is divided into several rooms. In one room we can view their photos in the other - your favorite movies, in the third - to admire his friends, and so on.
Some rooms are decorated in a classic style, an art gallery, and some in a futuristic modern style with strange machines, mosaic of your contacts.
A preview ends just awesome effect, illustrating ...
But see for yourself, believe me, it is worth seeing is mandatory. And make sure that you have turned on the sound - audio support there is also remarkable.
Museum of Me