Book Review Linder Kani "Johnny Ive
Makradar Technologies / / December 19, 2019
You probably already know that last year published a book about the legendary Apple designer Jonathan Aive. It was written by the journalist edition of Wired, and the founder of the popular site Cult of Mac, Leander Kani. To our general joy, soon the stores will be its Russian version, translated through the publisher MYTH. By a happy coincidence, I managed one of the first to read this wonderful book. I hasten to assure you that she, like the biography of Steve Jobs written by Walter Isaacson, have to take one of the places on your shelf.
Every time I looked the next presentation of Apple's, I have a question: why not go to the stage Jonathan Ive? From time to time we watched Steve, Tim Craig, Phil and Eddie, but why Joni appeared only in specially taken for the presentation of commercials devoted to new products?
After reading this book, many fell into place. From school, I carried away by design, he was like a father, a modest, intelligent Englishman who was one of the outstanding teachers of England. He always tells John that from your life you need to eliminate idleness and with all diligence approach to a favorite cause, if you want to achieve something in this field.
Sir Jonathan Ive.
Johnny really modest, but I'm sure that makes a brilliant and always can defend their point of view, arguing that any decision. Reluctance to flash in front of cameras and does not stick out your identity - this is one of the many advantages of Quince. He's a real workaholic and used to talk about the product itself, but not about himself. So he gave a special interview to Kani, who had to collect the crumbs of the necessary information.
Johnny I never liked to get different kinds of rewards that he was awarded in large numbers, starting from school. Most often it is not even to such events. A single premium, which, as it seems to me that he was pleased to accept, was a golden «Blue Peter» icon - the award of the British children's television. v = S6MKx2u-tFU
Ive always stood out from the crowd, and I do not mean his appearance, which, at times, was very extravagant. Passing his studies at the University of Northumbria, unlike his peers, he preferred to work and study numerous partying and fun. When it was necessary to make one or two samples, he made a hundred, each of which is different only in the slightest details. But so Ive knew whether he made a decision.
Joni excellent attention to detail and always carried a beautiful example of future products. In many ways, thanks to well-designed prototype landline phone, which was his graduate work at the University, he went to the Apple team.
Robert Brunner, Apple chief industrial designer, he saw this work came from her excitement. A student who is only produced from the university, had such an unusual vision, besides I worked through not only product details but also attentive to the internal components device.
Robert knew he had to be sure to get hold of this outstanding designer in your team. Years later, after several failed attempts, he finally achieved his goal. And when he left his post Apple, Brunner has recommended in its place is Quince. Later, he would even joke about this topic:
When I die, write on my tombstone: "The man who hired Jonathan Ive."
Jobs at Apple before returning the company Jobs was very difficult for John. He constantly had to persuade management to go for certain experiments. But then Steve came back, and the company once again began to put the product design in the first place. That's when the mind and talent Quince able to get complete freedom of action. Two Apple genius very quickly found a common language and make friends. Some time later, Steve came to the studio constantly Joni to relax, gain creative forces and to continue the work.
He constantly came to us, - says a former employee of the department. - In general, to meet with Johnny, well, just to see how things are going.
Exactly since then and began to revive, Apple. the first iMac was released, which created a furor in the world and to strengthen the relationship between Steve and John, who have grown into one of the most fruitful creative unions of today.
The only Apple have more power than Johnny Quince. No one can tell him what to do or say, they say, do not go into other people's business. I decided. - Steve Jobs.
The whole chain of hits was released over the coming years, such as the iPod, iPhone and iPad, the company grew stronger, increasing its global influence and received with more profits every year. But Jobs was seriously ill and resigned as CEO. While many assumed that it will be replaced by the name of John, which, in fact, never been interested in the company's management questions:
I wanted to deal exclusively with the design and production. This is what I love - John said in an interview. - It's great if you can find a favorite thing. But to find it - it's one thing, but to be able to deal with them and give him your full attention - is quite another.
Steve Jobs has died October 5, 2011 at age 56, after three weeks on the campus of Apple Joni could publicly express their bitterness and pain over the loss of one of his closest friends. It was open, and touching at the same time, jocular, that, as they say, it was always inherent.
We worked together for almost fifteen years, but he always laughed at the way I pronounced the word "aluminum".
He talked a lot about enthusiasm and passion of Steve, how he united and inspired the entire staff of the company. And then just thanked him for all he had to do for many people.
Now Apple is one of the most powerful companies in the world, and Jonathan Ive - the designer indispensable, without which it is difficult to imagine its future. He is absolutely dedicated and intends to continue to engage them in the ranks of Apple employees.
Actually, after reading the book, many scraps of information and begin to weave the famous interview in a single fabric. It becomes absolutely clear that Linder Kani has done an admirable and painstaking work of collecting material. As the best representative of the profession, he was impartial and gave readers the opportunity to lay down their own impression of this extraordinary man.
With the book can be found on the official website of the publishing house MYTH. I repeat that it is indeed necessary to make in your reading list, especially if you constantly follow the news and key figures in Apple world.
Familiar with the book "Johnny Ive - the legendary Apple designer"