GetMeet - application for Me and tracking activities
Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Layfhaker talks about GetMeet - service that helps you find interesting event team for the game of football, as well as the satellite (or companion) for going to the movies or to a concert.
What is GetMeet and why it is needed
GetMeet - rich application that helps you find boys and girls for a relationship of true friends, friends of interests and easy of satellites for events. Here are some examples of situations that can come in handy this service:
- Do you want to go to the movies, visit an exhibition or a play, but you do not have anyone to do it.
- You are trapped in a strange city and want to have a good time, visiting some event or an interesting place.
- You want to play football in the backyard or the nearest "box", but you do not have the main thing - the team.
- You are the organizer of the event and want to attract visitors.
- You are alone, you are not a stranger to adventurism, and you have an idea for an interesting date.
If you know a hero of any of these situations, try GetMeet. It's free.
How it works
One of navigation options - search for events and places on the map. Now GetMeet base in the region is quite poor, but in the large cities of Russia and CIS countries is already possible to find a lot of interesting things. Here is the active part of the European part of the country and the center of Moscow.
Violet asterisks marked the event, and blue circles with the silhouette of a football player - sports games.
You can see the people who are also planning to take part in the event. You can advance to find someone who you are interested in and write it. Or, get acquainted with all the events in the general chat and go for a big company event newly made friends.
More common green circles with numbers - this is the place and the number of events occurring in them. When you open any object (a place or event) shows an icon with a zipper. If you click on it then you can try your luck by assigning a date. Write a comment, select the filter by gender, age, weight and height, and wait until someone responds to your invite.
In addition, you can create an event on their own. It could be anything: a social event, a date or a meeting with the same interests. The organizers of concerts and exhibitions know how important every tool in attracting the audience, one such tool and is GetMeet. In the end, a pretty girl from the number of potential participants in the event may be interested in some casual traveler is much more than your music, pictures, or photos.
We will try to consider the events of the creation process by the example of a sports event - a football game.
After filling out the key moments add to the future image of the object and waiting for the participants. Create an event, you can share on social networks.
To increase the attractiveness of created events and his candidacy as a party, it is necessary to tell about myself. Profile filling occurs quickly, bit fields, sometimes they mean clever options.
Another way to search for events and attractions - navigate to the "Events" tab. There you will see the nearest objects from the map, but in the form of tiles. You can set filters by category, which will be applied when viewing the map.
You can also search for events in browser versions GetMeet with a limited feature set.
GetMeet has important and useful features, it has a nice design, it is correct and logically works. Its creators have done and continue to do everything that they were easy to use. The only thing missing GetMeet in small towns - the user base and a sufficient amount of interest on the map. It is easy to fix, and we suggest you start doing it right now.
Go to the website GetMeet →
Price: Free