How to use RSS
Technologies / / December 19, 2019
RSS is a great technology that allows you to read news from your favorite websites and blogs. It saves you time, since you do not need to visit websites and blogs every day, several times to get all the updated information from them.
But if you subscribe to a huge number of RSS feeds, it may happen that in the end, you will have to leave a few hours to read everything. When this happens, you need to quickly take action.
Collected here are some tips to help you "tameĀ» RSS Feeds:
1. Create multiple folders for RSS feeds. After creating Favourites folder, there you can put the most important blogs that you want to read every day. Information from other less important sites will be coming to other folders.
2. News sites are usually sent hundreds of new messages a day through RSS feeds. Create a separate folder for news sites, it will save you time.
3. Use hotkeys. Most programs for reading RSS feeds provide an opportunity to use the hotkeys. Use them to use the keypad to quickly access the functions of the RSS feeds.
4. Set aside a special time for reading RSS feeds. Sometimes, this activity can turn into a bad habit, and take away from you too long, so it is recommended to devote to it is no longer one and a half hours a day.
5. Use the search function to among the hundreds of news that come through the RSS feeds you find interesting posts.
6. Mark all messages as read. After returning from vacation, you will find thousands of new unread messages RSS. You most likely will not desire to read them all. We recommend simply mark them as read.
If you follow these tips, the RSS technology can bring to bear many benefits without irritating you.
8 Useful Tips To Manage And Avoid RSS Overload