It would seem, simply fried fish spoil difficult. But the most common mistake is that we usually prepare it for too long and as a result we get a dry fish, lost the taste refinement. In fact, the fish is ready at a moment when it ceases to be transparent. If such fish to touch the fork, it is easily stratified and still very juicy.
To prepare the fish there is a rule of 10 minutes, which is applicable to any version of the preparation, be it just on frying pan, grill, steamer, baking in foil, etc.
In order to get a perfect cooked fish, before you send it to the plate, measure its thickness.
1. If you cook gefilte fish or fish rolls, measure it, when it is fully ready to go into the oven. The easiest way with steaks, as they are everywhere the same thickness.
2. If the thickness of the fish of approximately 2.5 cm (1 inch), then the total cooking time should be 10 minutes - 5 minutes on one side and 5 minutes on the other. If the fish slices are thinner, for example, 1.5 - 1.8 cm, so it is necessary to prepare only one side for 5 minutes.
3. To prepare the fish in foil, add to the cooking time for another 5 minutes. The same applies to fish that is cooked in sauces.
4. For frozen fish that has not undergone defrosting, cooking time must be doubled. And this rule applies to fish fillets, as it is often not uniform in thickness.
By measuring the thickness of the fish, you must remember that 2.5 cm is preparing 10 minutes on both sides if the fish thinner means it does not need to turn, if thicker, then calculates the time based on the initial ratio of 2.5 cm = 10 min.