How to use the water from the chickpea 8 interest recipes
Food / / December 19, 2019
What is akvafaba and how to get it
Chickpea - a kind of bean, and it is very rich in nutrients. It is eaten boiled and canned form, added to salads and stews. The remaining liquid after cooking chickpea - akvafaba - contains many proteins, due to which it can be whipped into a thick foam. From it is prepared vegan ice cream, Meringue, and used in baking.
To obtain akvafabu independently, pour 200 g of chickpea with plenty of water and let stand for 4 hour. Then simmer 45-50 minutes at low heat in a ratio of 1: 4. Cool chick chat in a liquid, then akvafaba will be more dense and rich. Drain it and strain it through a sieve.
If you want to save time, take the liquid out of canned chickpeas, green peas or white beans. But keep in mind that the water from the chickpeas whipped best. This ingredient can be used as an egg replacer in any baking. Prepare from the ratio 1 protein akvafaby = 30-40 ml.
We collected a few recipes with akvafaboy for those who can not eat eggs, or just want to experiment with new flavors.
In which dishes can use water from the chickpea
1. kiss
- 150 ml akvafaby;
- 100-150 g of sugar;
- ⅓ teaspoon citric acid (1 teaspoon or lemon juice);
- vanilla - on the tip of a knife.
Pour the liquid into the bowl and whip at high speed as a normal protein, to form a white foam. It should take 10-15 minutes.
Gradually add sugar, continuing to whisk. After about 5 minutes, add citric acid or juice, vanilla.
Continue whisking until the mixture becomes very thick and does not cease to flow with beaters.
Form of meringue mixture on a baking sheet, laid by parchment paper. Bake in a preheated oven for about 60 minutes at a temperature of 100-120 ℃. If meringue quite solid and can be easily removed from the paper, then it is ready.
To save crispy dessert, do not leave it in the air, otherwise it will absorb moisture. Clean kiss in a sealed container, resting on the bottom paper towels.
2. cake pasta
- 180 ml akvafaby;
- 65g of sugar;
- 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract, vanillin or pinch;
- a drop of food coloring (see the instructions on the package);
- 125 g of almond flour;
- 65 g of powdered sugar;
- chocolate paste, jam or any cream to your taste for the interlayer.
Pour akvafabu a small saucepan and simmer until the amount of fluid is reduced to ⅓ of the original volume. It will take about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and cool for 10 minutes.
Whisk fluid mixer at high speed until soft peaks formation. Stir in half the sugar and stir well. Add remaining sugar, Vanilla and dye. Beat at high speed until the mixture is thick and glossy.
Sift the almond flour with powdered sugar. Pour half of the mixture into the whipped akvafabu and stir paddle. Add the remaining almonds and again mix the dough, folding it from the edges toward the center.
Kneading (makaronazh) - a very important stage. This should be done not too long, otherwise the dough will be liquid and will not rise in the oven. But also not too small. Repeat folding movements and follow consistency. Weight should be thick and run off the tape blade, not falling pieces.
Transfer the mixture to a large piping bag. Cover the two baking the baking paper and otsadit 20 circles each. Do this in one movement, holding the bag directly over the center of the pasta.
Tap baking tray on the table, to get rid of excess air bubbles in the dough. Leave the pasta to dry at room temperature for 2 h.
Place the first baking in a cold oven and turn it to 100 ℃. Bake for about 20 minutes. Cakes are ready, if they can be easily separated from the paper, and the top crust is strong enough.
Turn off the oven and leave the pasta within 15 minutes. Then open the door and wait for another 15 minutes. Only then remove cakes and allow to cool at room temperature.
When the oven is completely loses heat, repeat the process with a second portion.
Grease cooled halves chocolate paste, Any cream or jam, and connect with each other.
3. Chocolate mousse
- 170 g of dark chocolate;
- 240 ml akvafaby;
- ⅛ teaspoon cream of tartar spoon (you can substitute white wine vinegar or lemon juice);
- 1 tablespoon sugar;
- vanillin - pinch;
- fresh berries for decoration.
Melt the chocolate in a water bath or in a microwave oven. Cool.
Connect akvafabu with cream of tartar and beat until soft peaks - it will take 5 to 15 minutes. Add the sugar and vanilla, continue beating a few minutes.
Pour in the melted chocolate mixture and gently stir paddle.
Pour the mousse into beakers and put in the refrigerator for 4 hr. Garnish with fresh berries to taste.
4. Cream cake
- 120 ml akvafaby;
- 16 ml lemon juice;
- vanillin - pinch;
- 120 g of sugar.
Pour akvafabu and lemon juice in a large bowl and start whisking. After about 15 minutes, add the vanilla and sugar in small portions. Continue to whisk a few minutes.
Thus the cream can replace cream in the air cakes and pastries. Or is there with fresh berries.
5. Icing for cakes
- 40 ml akvafaby;
- 180 g of powdered sugar;
- 20 g of corn starch.
Akvafabu Whisk mixer at high speed in an easy liquid foam.
Continuing whisking vsypte powdered sugar, then starch. It will give brightness and make the glaze opaque.
The mixture should be thick. If it is easily dripping from a spoon, add a little powder and whip 10 more seconds.
Spread the frosting on a cake and leave to dry for several hours.
6. Mayonnaise
- 100 ml akvafaby;
- 1 tablespoon mustard;
- ¾ teaspoon salt;
- 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice (or white wine vinegar);
- ½ teaspoon of sugar - optional;
- a pinch of your favorite spices - optional;
- 300 ml of vegetable oil and odorless.
Mix akvafabu with all the ingredients except the oil, and beat on high speed until foaming. use immersion blenderAnd not a mixer.
Gradually pour in the oil, continuing to beat until the consistency you need. Vary the amount of salt, sugar and spices to your liking.
7. Mozzarella
- 40 g of raw cashews;
- 240 ml akvafaby;
- 2 tablespoons starch;
- 2 teaspoons carrageenan;
- 1 teaspoon of lactic acid or lemon juice;
- 1 teaspoon nutritional yeast;
- ¾ teaspoon salt;
- 6 tablespoons of refined coconut oil.
Cashew soak overnight and cook in boiling water for 15 minutes. Mix nuts and akvafabu in a blender at high speed. The mixture should be smooth and uniform. Strain it through a sieve to get rid of small nut pieces, and then pour into a blender.
Add starch, carrageenan, lactic acid, nutritional yeast and salt. The number of the latter can vary depending on how much salt was originally akvafaba. Mix the ingredients.
Pour coconut oil and mix again quickly (if using a solid, then the pre-melt it, and then cool to room temperature). The mixture should be smooth and slightly thick.
Pour it into the pan and place on medium heat, stir constantly. Gradually, the mixture becomes shiny and smooth as melted cheese. When it starts to bubble around the edges and thickens, remove the pan from the heat.
Pour into a mold and put in the refrigerator for several hours, the mixture hardened. Use any ordinary dishes like mozzarella.
8. Omelette
- 128 g gram flour;
- 2 tablespoons nutritional yeast;
- ½ teaspoon turmeric;
- ½ teaspoon ground dry garlic;
- ¼ teaspoon ground pepper;
- ½ teaspoon salt;
- 240 ml of chilled akvafaby;
- ¼ teaspoon cream of tartar;
- fresh basil and parsley;
- vegetable oil for frying;
- any cooked vegetables for the filling.
Mix in a bowl of chickpeas flour with the yeast and spices. In another bowl whisk akvafabu with cream of tartar until soft peaks form. Add the dry ingredients and fresh herbs, mix gently.
Pour mixture onto a greased pan, spread spatula. Broil, until the bubbles around the edges will not burst.
Add the ready vegetables according to your taste and fold the omelette in half. Cover and wait 1-2 minutes.
And you've tried to cook something from akvafaby? Tell us in the comments.
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