How to cook beans: simple and clear instructions
Educational Program Food / / December 19, 2019
Cooking beans - it is not fast, so better to plan it in advance. Apart from one or two hours, which will take just cooking, it is necessary to take into account the time to soak. The good news is that you almost do not have to do.
How to prepare beans
The first thing to do - is to check the expiration date. Beans, which have lain for over a year, is likely to dry. Such beans are soft and tender, as it neither boil.
Go through the beans (do not worry, it's fast) and discard all wrinkled and suspicious beans, as well as stems and other debris.
Then thoroughly rinse the beans in a colander under a jet of cold water.
The next step - the soak, and there are several good reasons. First, pre-soaked beans cooked faster. This, incidentally, is not the main reason: without soaking the beans will be cooked longer only for 15-20 minutes.
Secondly, during the soaking partially soluble oligosaccharides which cause increased flatulence.
Third, it is believed that at the time of soaking beans loses so-called antinutrients - compounds that interfere with the absorption of nutrients. In particular, in legumes contain phytic acid, which interferes with the absorption of zinc, calcium, magnesium and iron.
How to soak beans
There are two ways to soak beans:
1. Slow, or cold, the way
Proponents of this method of soaking argue that it allows you to get rid of the unpleasant side effects that are known for legumes. However, keep in mind that it takes time. Put the beans in a large pot, cover with cold water and store in the refrigerator for 12-24 hours.
For 1 cup of beans, you will need 5 cups of water.
2. Quick or hot method
If you do not have time for a long soak, then just pour the dry beans in a saucepan and cover with water in the same proportion as in the previous method. Bring water to the boil and cook the beans for 2-3 minutes. Then remove the pan from the heat, cover and let stand for at least 1 hr.
Note the amount of beans after soaking and cooking to increase by 2-3 times, so choose a larger pot.
By the way, some of the housewives claim that with this method of soaking the dish turns out delicious.
How to cook beans
After soaking, drain and rinse swollen beans in tap water. Then put it in a large pot and cover with water so that it completely covers the beans. Bring water to a boil and add tablespoon sunflower or olive oilThat was less foam.
Boil the beans over low heat. Perhaps, during the cooking process, you will need from time to time to pour water into the pan. Depending on the varieties of beans, and the period of storing water hardness cooking time may be from 0.5 to 2.5 hours.
During cooking, the beans do not need to interfere, and the pan is not necessary to cover with a lid.
To find out whether the bean is ready, mash a little thing with a fork or your fingers. Ideally, beans should be soft, but not to seethe porridge state. If the beans are still crunches, then leave it to cook on and check the readiness of every 10 minutes.
There is quite a common myth that salt gives the beans density and hardness, so it must be added at the end. In fact, the salt does not affect the consistency of the beans, if you are certainly not going to pour it into the pan handfuls. grass and spice You can also be added at any time.
If a prescription is required to add acidic foods, such as lemon juice, wine, vinegar or tomatoes, do it after the beans are ready. Otherwise, the beans might not come out tender, as we would like.
The finished beans can be stored in the refrigerator up to 4 days. It is recommended to use for this flat, shallow containers.
And you have your own secrets of cooking beans? Share them in the comments.