How to put a temporary profile photo on Facebook
Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Temporal profile photo and the frame around the picture to emphasize that in your life come a special moment you join for worldwide event or support your favorite team in charge time. We'll show you how to install them.
All life - theater, and people in it - the actors. But the main thing in dramatics? Firstly, do not overplay with the emotions that are not on the ground orzali embarrassment. And secondly, time to change costumes to the balcony are not logged laughter from absurdity.
Here and in Facebook: you look at someone's avatar adorns the national flag or emblem of the lights of the football team. Why are they there? No, I do not mind condolences countries - victims of terrorist attacks or the joy of another sports trophy. But the spoon should be for dinner. Especially in Facebook for this there are two cool features: temporal profile photo and the time frame profile photo. First you will surely enjoy, but on the second, few have heard. I'll tell you about each of them.
How to install temporary profile photo
May holidays, vacation in a beautiful country and even jogging in the cold to prepare the immune system for the winter - a good reason to change the avatar and to draw attention to the events of his life. However, remove them from public view, too, need time, that there was no effect of peeling off the Christmas tree, which is lazy throw.
So, go to your personal page, direct the cursor on your profile photo, and click on "Update".
Choose a picture from your own collection or download something new. In the window that appears in the lower left corner of the button "Make time." And click on it Asking the time interval after which will return the previous image.
It can be an hour, a day, or, for example, 14,700 weeks. Yes, yes, Facebook optimism does not hold: the social network believes that you and I can stretch up to 23 hours 59 minutes December 31, 2299. :) Though, most likely, by the time our avatar is already time to dust the black mourning ribbon. Her to put the guardian to whom you entrust your account in case of death. How did he do it? Answer - below.
How to set a time frame for your profile photo
Stoke for "eagles" in the South American Championship in basketball? Support children in the match with the explosive "Samsung" - put frame for a profile picture! Following the link, open the menu with framesets and scroll to the very end.
Facebook offers 58 sets, each of which includes an average of 5-7 frames. They mainly focus on sports leagues, although there are generic collections such as "Music", "good causes", "Games". By the way, the same black tape closes the set of "General".
Please note, the framework can also be temporary: the turnover-clockwise until the 2300 th.