Zerro Calc - a handy scientific calculator for iPhone
Makradar Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Pupils, students of technical and not very faculties, as well as all the others, who by virtue of certain circumstances have to perform mathematical operations of varying complexity will certainly need a good calculator. Default iOS calculator can not be called the limit of comfort and functionality, and it is suitable only for basic calculations. Today we'll show you a great alternative - Calculator zerro Calc for iPhone and iPod. Read on it faster and easier to use than a standard calculator, and only one finger movement turns it into a powerful computer engineering tool.
A key advantage over similar Zerro Calc is a convenient storage and presentation of the history of computing, as well as active using copy and paste, which makes working with cumbersome calculations much easier and saves a decent amount of time. Instead of repeatedly enter the same expression, just copy the desired piece, edit it if necessary, and insert it into the current calculation.
The app is optimized for maximum computing speed, and intelligent algorithm automatically finds the entered expression, eliminating the need to click on the equal sign. Less action - higher speed.
Look at the keyboard. It has no switch button in the engineering mode and back. The fact that switching between the standard and scientific keyboard comes a simple swipe. It is not necessary to aim at a specific icon. Careless movement of your finger - and in front of you your favorite logarithms, factorials, the degree of the root, trigonometric functions, and everything else.
Another swing, and again before the eyes of a standard numeric keypad, the color of which, by the way, by changing the settings desired.
In the past, engineering calculators are treated in a decent amount of money, and now get all the functionality can be a little over 100 rubles.