How to use the library in Windows 7
Vindovs Technologies / / December 19, 2019
You will not believe, but Microsoft has made something that had long been dreaming of, but are tired of asking! Honestly, when I installed Windows 7 on a working laptop, I did not deal with such an innovation as "Library". And then I tried to use them, razobralcya what they need. And it turns out, it is one of the most competent fashion image cataloging to date.
Libraries: for what?
Menu "Libraries" can be accessed from the "Start" or "Windows Explorer". There, your eyes gaze at four categories: "Documents", "Pictures", "Video", "Music". What are they needed for? Remember why nobody store music or videos in the folder "My Music" and "My Videos", respectively, in the previous versions of the OS? Because in the case of storing files in these folders are located on the system drive. And this despite the "stability» Windows was unacceptable. "Libraries" - is the same, but with references to files that reside on different disks. With their help, you can catalog the files and thus they do not need to carry on the system drive.
Library: how to use?
Suppose there is a need to catalog the documents. Many default programs store them in the folder "My Documents". Move to the folder, select any folder, open its menu, then select "Add to Library". Now all that is stored in the selected folder will be neatly cataloged in the corresponding library.
It is also possible to do with music, and video, and images. All this will be structured in catalogs and is not to be on the system drive. Conveniently. In addition, you can create new libraries, if the existing categories do not suit you.
Library: how to add files from the local network?
Yes, the library can be made to work in the network. But you need to download the program Win7 Library Tool. In the program, create a new library, open the properties and Library Folders field, add a network folder. Thus, your network will be common to all library.
Libraries: whether or not to use?
In actual fact the "Library" proved to be quite a convenient tool for cataloging files. Microsoft has finally brought this idea to the users. Initially, the purpose of the "Library" is not quite clear, but using these tips, you will see how simple and convenient.