7 extensions Google+ (Chrome)
Web Services Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Google+ Social Network reports a first achievements - 10 million users in the first two weeks - and thinking about how to attract users of Gmail in their ranks. Maybe this will be done by the mutual integration of the two services, which is reports one of the developers of Google+. Let us not forget that Googley social network is still a prefix beta and new features will appear in it repeatedly. In the meantime, the creators are working on refining his creation, third-party developers are not far behind and race Stepanov is certain additions, expanding Google+ functionality. C some of them we'll meet today.
This extension adds a button after each message to buyer with which you can apply directly to the author of the post, as well as links to card sharing to Facebook, Twitter or e mail.
It adds a few extra features to Google+. First of all, it is to receive notifications about new messages. As each message is added perepostinga button on Twitter and translation via Google Translate. In addition, it is possible to search using Google+ Omnibox address bar.
After installing this extension on the toolbar there is a special button that displays the number of unread messages. When you click on the button opens a Google+ page.
If you are a fan of Facebook, then this extension will be able to make Google+ look of your favorite social network. And you will be able to send messages directly to Facebook and Twitter directly from here.
This extension is when you hover the mouse over the picture in the message Google+ shows its full-size image.
This extension restores justice and adds a button, with which you can zaminusovali did not like the message.
Another convenient way to rassharivaniya content across social networks. This time, in addition to Facebook and Twitter there are other popular designs.
And what features are missing you in Google+? What do I need to add, do you think that it has become a social network of your dreams?