Encipher.it: encrypt messages in Gmail, Facebook, Google+
Web Services Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Indiscriminate and sometimes thoughtless infatuation social networks increasingly devalues personal information. Many of us are rightly outraged new cases spy on users by companies such as Google and the Microsoft, establish different anti-spyware programs and then, completely voluntarily, dumped in Facebook or Vkontakte such information that would hesitate to trust even the closest people. We do not want to breed excessive paranoia, but very often there are situations when access to the published information should be strictly limited. This can be done very quickly and easily.
small bookmarklet Encipher.it It allows you to send and publish sensitive information in the forums, chat rooms, social networks and e-mail so that nobody but some people you will not be able to read it. With this tool, you can encrypt any text you enter in the text field that it becomes a meaningless set of characters. To do this, go to Encipher.it site and install itself into a browser bookmarklet offered. Now enough before sending click on the bookmarklet, enter the password in the pop-up window and the message will be encrypted using a powerful algorithm
AES.To read the message, the recipient must click on the bookmarklet and enter the correct password, you are, of course, have been communicated to him. Then the script will analyze the content of the page, find the encrypted message and replace it with legible text. In that case, if the recipient has not installed the bookmarklet, it can Encipher.it visit the site and copy the text to decipher in the form found there.
bookmarklet Encipher.it is a simple and handy tool that will help anyone, even the most inexperienced the user to easily share confidential information without the risk of getting it in the wrong curious hands. It works with virtually any text fields, so that its scope can be very broad.