Linux: 5 Myths Windows-user
Technologies / / December 19, 2019
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Last post on Why choose Ubuntu as the operating system has caused strong reactions as a reader community LH that today I want to stay at the 5 most common myths, voiced - including - and in the course of the discussion. At least 5 myths constantly pursue other users, more common in our part of the OS. It is time to talk about them.
Myth number 1: "Linux - is a system for servers, not for people"
Perhaps many of you do not believe, but you are using so you unloved "Linux" every day. Many ATMs and payment terminals which give and take cash from your cards; Domestic media centers, karaoke and playback of video content, See therefore which are your favorite films; smartphones Android "On board", the new Nokia smartphones and netbooks based on MeeGo OS - all these are examples of how Linux quietly "slipped" into your life. What will? :) still going to find a place for this operating system in the server or just a better look around?
Myth number 2: "Even if not only for servers, she enjoyed some geeks"
Typically, at this stage are used as "arguments" memes of "red eyes gentushnika" beard and a sweater, and many other similar statements come from the 90-ies of XX century, when the set-up and "assembly" of drivers and the OS itself was really a matter of a little "turned" enthusiasts. It took 15 years - and not only changed the world around us, but also the operating system. If the older and middle-aged can easily find out in a few hours, and work with the same of Ubuntu, why you, as a young and open to new knowledge and experience, continue to argue that the choice of someone else is a "lot of geeks" rather than people who just think outside the defined restrictions? And then: check the definition of the boom itself and see to whom it is now possible to apply.
Myth number 3: "The Linux software is very poor choice"
The usual arguments at this stage in the debate about the choice of OS - "but what about 1C, Lightroom and AutoCAD". In this case, 8 of the 10 users that you offer to try any operating system - be it Windows, MacOS, Ubuntu or linux-distributions - never not find it necessary to fill in the accounting entries, to do renderings or engineering design drawings in their daily life.
You can buy a simple pistol for self-defense, and it is possible to buy an expensive option for special forces in the hope that "someday" you have to shoot at night in the rain with a laser sight on the treadmill target. The same thing - with the software selection. When you will need to address the specific challenges - then you have to choose and software, and configuration under it. Neither professional architect does not work on a simple "yuzersky" laptop. Neither professional designer does not work on "neprokachannom" Mac or PC. For these purposes is bought and specialized "hardware" and the required OS + software. For most people, this is simply not needed customization: you will not do in ordinary life and renders 3D-modeling (and if you do, then this gain and a separate computer, and special software "Stuffing").
Opting for the open operating system does not mean that the choice is limited. On my laptop perfectly customers live for IM, an excellent editor for RAW-pictures, an office suite, Program for editing and cataloging of music and multimedia center shell + casual and RPG-games. I do not think it can be called "poor choice". This choice is the other, but not "lean".
Myth number 4: "And with Linux compatible set of" iron "
Six months ago, the same thing could be said about Windows 7; but let's not rub salt into the wounds of the fans brainchild of Bill Gates :) Suffice it to mention the fact that the majority of domestic homes users are still "living" old "iron" (on the printer and the end of the 90 scanners - the start of "zero" and to ordinary noname-gadgets and cheap Chinese periphery). So: it is in the linux-distributions, even the newest versions of "assembly" for some reason, these devices are "alive" and work; whereas under the latest versions of Windows sometimes need to "dancing with a tambourine" to activate them. Is the problem of incompatibility of a particular individual hardware problem of the whole user community as a whole? Unlikely. Is there a guarantee that choosing MacOS or Windows, you will not encounter the same problem of incomplete or lack of drivers (remember the same USB-modems for wireless internet)? There are no guarantees. So this myth - no more than a statement of individual cases.
Myth number 5: "A normal games under Linux in general there is no"
You know, still in the mood sometimes I play perfect "to the Linux" analog Quake Team Arena - Open Arena. But even if you do not want repozitarnyh games, just look at Humble Indie Bundle (One hit Machinarium is worth), and of course - on Steam (For the use of this client will need to install and run under Wine / Crossover). The latest project in general, in my view, decide the issue with the game software. Furthermore, even giants like Blizzard the next version of its popular games promise to make a version for Linux.
It is important to remember the myths about "open source" - this is what we create by drawing patterns and the principle of "not seen, have not tried, I do not want to try, but I condemn." This phenomenon extends to many areas of life: vegetarians for athletes to OS users, different from the "normal Windows", people with other religious or political convictions. Meanwhile, recently passed away the founder of the company that produces the operating system is also on Unix-kernel (and Linux-based distributions), called on all of us "think different" (Think different). So it pays to follow his advice.