6 reasons to give up Gmail and start using Inbox
Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Gmail is the most popular mail service of all time. However, the company Google decided not to rest on our laurels, and began to develop the next generation of email client - Inbox. Will he be able to replace the popularly beloved Gmail? We found as many as six reasons for the answer to this question.
1. categories of letters
In Inbox, there is a very convenient feature for automatic distribution of letters by categories. Smart algorithms are able to distinguish between subjects letters, group similar and put them into one of the appropriate categories. If some of them slipped past, then you can put it in the appropriate selection of their own. Later Inbox will remember your actions and will work without the error.
The categories of settings you can also specify a time for their display. For example, you can configure the Inbox so that the folder with letters from social networks appear only once a day and does not distract you with their presence during working hours.
2. Saving options
There are many different stowing services and extensions, but people still continue to send links currently in the mailbox. Therefore Inbox developers have made sure that users were at least comfortable doing it. They released a special extension to send links and create in your mailbox a special category, where you can easily find them.
3. Calendar and reminders in your inbox
Calendar and e-mail client are the most essential tools for any business person, so their mutual integration is welcome. Now produced in «Google Calendar" reminders can be observed directly in the Inbox, and vice versa. You can also attach a reminder to any of the letters, turning it this way in a task that is displayed on the calendar.
4. Snooze
In Inbox, there is a very convenient way to hide the time of writing in "Inbox". Simply select one of the preset values or assign the time that you do not need at the moment of writing have been moved to temporary storage in the folder "Pending." At the appointed hour, they again will appear in "Incoming" and you will be able to continue working with them.
5. digests mailing
If you subscribe to several daily dispatches, the Inbox can help you get acquainted with their content quickly. On the basis of letters creates a special digest, containing only the most interesting content. It will save you a lot of time, especially when the letters in the mailbox already accumulated a lot.
6. Smart reminders and answers
No one is not surprised by Google prompts that appear when typing a search query. Approximately the same technology used in the Inbox when you create a reminder. The next step in this direction was the phrase templates, which proposes to use the postal service when writing a response letter. Moreover, they are selected according to the context, so that sometimes you yourself even write anything do not have to: you can simply select one of the options offered by Google.
Well, clearly? You've upgraded your Inbox or e-mail client still remains true to the usual Gmail?