Telegram-bot Channels will collect posts from your favorite channels into one RSS feed
Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Those who actively use the messenger Telegram, are familiar with one of its key features: chat, TV and personal correspondence in one place. To many it seems very convenient, but it is necessary for one day not to go into the application as a user collapses a flurry of unread messages and publications.
To cope with this problem helps Channels bot that collects posts from your favorite channels in a news feed.
bot functionality is fairly simple, but it allows you to temporarily disable a subscription, group channels, redirect posts from one channel to another and install the content filter. At the end of each publication will refer to the source material.
Boat is ideal for those who are subscribed to many channelsIt is not always willing to read the news at the time of its appearance, but still wants to order in their leisure-time space.
Note: after the trial month the boat becomes shareware and there is limit - up to 10 channels. Since the bulk of users Telegram signed by a smaller number of channels, this change will not affect them. The rest will have to pay the subscription: 89 rubles per month, 890 rubles a year.
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