What should be done after the inclusion of a new "Mac"?
Makradar Technologies / / December 19, 2019
You just bought a new Mac. This may be a Macbook Pro, iMac or Mac Mini - no matter how important that you have it and you have become part of the community. What should be done after the first insertion of a new Mac?
1. Run "Software Update". When you buy the Mac, it is not known how long he was in the store. It is likely that during this time Apple has released several updates that eliminate the detected problems. To do this, Apple () menu, choose Software Update command (Software Update). Note that since all updates are downloaded from the web, you must first establish an Internet connection. List updates are available as follows:
2. Change the location and size of Dock (Dock). By default Apple places Dock at the bottom of the screen, but you can put the right and the left. You can also change the size of the space occupied by them. Many do choose auto-hide the Dock, in which it is shown only in the case when navedosh mouse. Appropriate settings can be found here System Preferences → Dock
3. Add the "right-click" for a mouse and touchpad. Apple is often criticized for the production of "Poppy" with the one-button mouse and trackpad, but did you know that you can still use the second button to "right click"? If you bought a Macbook or Macbook Pro, go to System Preferences System Preferences → Keyboard and Mouse → Trackpad (System Preferences → Keyboard and mouse → Trackpad), and put a checkbox in front of «Tap trackpad with two fingers for secondary click» (Place two fingers on the trackpad and click the button to simulate clicking the second button). The new Mac Pro iMas or need to go to System Preferences → Keyboard and Mouse → Mouse and select the drop-down menu Seconday Button.
4. Become a full-fledged citizen of the Internet. Safari allows you to work with the majority of sites, but since Windows PCs dominate, you can run into some problems. The first thing to do - to download and install Flip4Mac, Plug-in to play Windows Media files. You should also install the Real Player plugin to view Real-Video.
5. Calibrate laptop battery. This advice directly concerns owners of Apple laptops - Macbook, Macbook Pro. Apple recommends that you calibrate the battery during the first week of use, and every two months thereafter (you can use the iCal, not to forget about this procedure). Necessary calibration instructions can be found on the official website Apple. In addition, you can use the free utility and widget from Coconut-FlavourThat monitor battery statistics, including capacity and age of the "Mac".
via 5 Things to Do After Starting Up Your New Mac [My First Mac]