As unmanned vehicles will change our future and deprive millions of people work
Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Person to drive a car ban
Let's face it, people - lousy drivers. The very idea of giving every adult to manage a two-ton machine of death is quite stupid. Every year cars kill over 1.3 million people Annual Global Road Crash Statistics. worldwide.
Computers can drive better. Firstly, they do not drink and are not distracted by conversation and other things behind the wheel. Second, the multiple sensors gives them superhuman powers: radars, lasers, cameras, online navigation and computing power for instant decision making.
According to a recent study Self-Driving Cars Could Cut Down on Accidents, Study Says. , Widespread unmanned vehicles can reduce the number of road accidents by 90%. This should save thousands of people.
The facts confirm the hypothesis. Google self-managed car company drove more than two million miles Google Self-Driving Car Project Monthly Report., Which is much higher than the average driver drives a person throughout life. As long as their account is only oneGoogle Self-Driving Cars Incidents.
the accident, the culprit turned out to be a computer. What happens when the unmanned vehicles are everywhere, and the authorities will realize how much they are safe? Legislators simply forbid people to drive.Elon Musk angered many when publicly admitted such a scenario. But his critics do not realize that the perturbation does not solve anything.
Once upon a time no one wanted to see the car seat belts and airbags. Now they are present in all cars, which confirms the priority of public safety of the individuals opinion.
In the end, the accident - it is a big loss. According to estimates, only in the US unmanned machines allow cekonomit more than 190 billion dollars a year Self-Driving Cars Could Cut Down on Accidents, Study Says. by reducing property damage. And this is a very powerful argument in their favor.
The spread of technology will lead to mass surveillance
If you enter the query "accident" in the YouTube search, the service will display thousands of movies with terrible accident and closely related situations. This number of entries due to the popularity of DVRs, which help people to protect the rights in corrupt countries. That is the whole invisible before the chaos of roads shall be made in public.
The advent of camera phones has shed light on another important phenomenon - police lawlessness.
video recently with violent police behavior towards blacks aroused media attention to the problem, which is not noticed before. This led to a national protest. Although such cruelty was present for a long time, cameras have changed the awareness about it.
Unmanned machine - a camera on steroids.
On the one hand, an overwhelming amount of data collected can significantly improve public safety. Self-governing cars will be able to detect obstacles, failures, potential threats, and will inform them of the desired service. A software - to calculate the crime with the help of special algorithms in real time and report them to the authorities.
On the other hand, the constant surveillance brings us closer to a totalitarian society. For example, connected to the Internet unmanned cars will regularly monitor passengers coordinates. A facial recognition technology will allow these machines to pinpoint network for pedestrians and keep track of them.
Just imagine what the debate over privacy and security break out in a world that is so flushed and revelations Snowden!
The concept of "personal car" will cease to exist
Almost every technology giant, including Google, Baidu and Uber, working on its own version of the unmanned cars. Most likely, these companies run a business, working on the same model as the autonomous raydshering services.
It's about how Uber without a driver. Self-managing machine arrives at the customer's request and delivers it to the destination, and then sent for new passengers.
In addition to convenience, the system is able to offer low fares. To do this, the majority of listed companies developing electric cars.
Saving on gasoline and the driver can make services a la Uber services without a driver more cheaper than the fare in public transport.
We get all the benefits of having their vehicle, pay less and cease worry support for the machine and a parking place. If the unmanned vehicles become as cheap and convenient, the idea of a personal car would be meaningless.
Users will be delighted by this change, given that the car has a very low efficiency. The average car owner spends on the use of the machine is only 4%Autos & Auto-Related. his time. It's a waste, given that the maintenance of cars go off just once this giant amount. At the same time the autopilot optimizes the transport system, removing up to 90% The Sharing Economy: How shared self-driving cars could change city traffic. spare cars from the roads.
Disappear traffic lights and traffic jams
Apart from the obvious benefits to the environment, fewer cars on the road - the first step to eliminate traffic jams.
In 2008, a team of researchers Shockwave traffic jam recreated for first time. It showed how traffic jams can occur out of nowhere. Scientists launched vehicle 22 on road looped band 230 meters at a speed of 48 km / h. After a short time of a traffic jam.
This phenomenon is called the wave of traffic. It arises as a result of slowing down one of the drivers in a queue of cars and causing chain reactions.
Wittily edited video below shows how the car myriad incredibly easy to avoid the collision at an intersection. A person can not drive a car. But in a world where cars communicate at great speed, advanced traffic management systems can make a real traffic.
Such systems make unnecessary and traffic lights. This is another change for the better, as this technology for 150 years. Now it can only roughly coordinate traffic.
Bad news: unmanned vehicles will deprive millions of people of work
In this photo, a police officer oshtrafovyvaet Google driverless car for driving too slow.
This picture - a great metaphor for our automated future. In a world without drivers, parking and traffic will be not too much work for the traffic police. The idea of the absence of penalties sounds attractive, but not so attractive to the people who will lose their jobs. Think about employees taxi services and public transport, as well as truck drivers.
Money - it is a decisive factor for social change. Unmanned vehicles do not need to pay salaries. They can operate 24 hours, seven days a week. Using them, the employer may not have to think about the problems of recruitment and management employees. All this is a huge savings for transport companies, which they will not be neglected.
... and transform the economy to which we are accustomed to
The introduction of unmanned cars - part of a large-scale phenomenon called "automation". As a result of his artificial intelligence, robotics and other technologies do the work instead of people. The transport sector - only the first victim, followed by others.
In automation as such there is nothing wrong. This process lasts for centuries. History knows a lot of professions that have disappeared due to the progress. So future generations will think of drivers as well as we are on the lifter and the town crier.
But today, in the way of self-cars are still many obstacles. They must be prepared to work in different weather conditions, protect from hackers, learn to respond adequately to all driving situations. Nevertheless, the potential benefits outweigh the disadvantages and difficulties that lie ahead.
If the self-guided vehicles will bring at least a tenth of the promised benefits (whether the saved lives, saved money and improve the environment), our moral duty - to bring it all to life.