As health-hackers to help monitor their own health
Makradar Technologies / / December 19, 2019
We wrote earlier that the popularization of portable gadgets, sooner or later will lead to a strong technological revolution in health care. Until this happens, we seem to just have to be patient. With such an attitude does not agree, those who are already taking the initiative in their hands. People smyslyaschie technique, become real hackers: they break into gadgets, program them again and gather their own medical devices.
To learn how you can become a health-hacker, says the publication The Guardian. Example Tim Omer, 31-year-old boy with diabetes really eloquent. The British decided not to wait until the digital revolution can defeat bureaucracy and reactionaries from the world of medicine. On his shoulder is attached a small object - a box the size of a pack of cigarettes, which in fact turns out to be a modern sensor, track your blood glucose levels. To get such a sensor in England, you need to wait about a year to pay 4000 pounds and constantly undergo costly inspections device.
History Tim would be sad if it were not bright mind Man. He is tired of waiting for help from the state and decided to take matters into their own hands. Since Ă–mer well versed in technology, he bought an old glucometer, a box of chocolates Tic Tac and went to work. Tim was able to re-assemble and re-program for a device that is sensitive monitors glucose levels, transmitting information on the smart watch and phone. The total cost of the "hacker" devaysa was about 1000 pounds. Specifications improvised medical sensor is not inferior to that which can offer the official manufacturer.
When we talk about a revolution in medicine, we mean massive changes in the root of the whole system, new effective vaccines and modern ways of tracking health. But in fact it turns out that patients really need a step forward, but more understandable, local in scope. While breakthroughs in some health care remains a rare phenomenon, patients need simple and effective steps to improve their status here and now. Impressive achievements of the future - it is certainly good. But it seems that many are tired of waiting, when will light a moment.
Therefore, more and more patients are doing so, Tim. The movement of health-hackers arose in response to the slowness of reform and development of medicine itself. In addition, the commercialization of the industry is becoming more evident, and doctors often recommend the device, based on the concluded contracts with the manufacturer, and not your own point of view.
Hackers volunteers especially active in the United States, where they are with their hands doing sensors and transducers, create prostheses the 3D-printer, and by any means trying to construct Soup that make life easier patients. Of course, this causes some problems. That is created by a group of enthusiasts, it does not always work properly. So, of course, sometimes the movement of health-hackers reminds fans of artisanal production. The situation is gradually getting better thanks to the support from the NHS Hack Days, which brings together IT-experts and people with health problems in order to develop modern technological solutions to existing problems.
But, obviously, the progress has to take a step further. Talent and desire is not enough to complete the implementation of health care reform. This is only the first - and most important - step on the way to a revolution in medicine.