AliTools: buying in the days of sales on AliExpress and other stores
Purchases Technologies / / December 19, 2019
What is AliTools
This free browser extensionWhich determines whether the online store for the truth or the seller offers a good discount. Some stores love to cheat: first, raise prices, and then trumpeting the unprecedented discounts. As a result, the price is about the same as without sales.
Sellers such tricks are beneficial. People carried the hype and make a purchase, but few who follow the dynamics of prices. With AliTools you in no time to distinguish real from fake discounts and can really save when shopping online. AliTools capabilities are already two million people worldwide.
How to look for the best price
Quite simply limit. In a couple of clicks set expansion AliTools and go shopping. Extension works with AliExpress, GearBest, Banggood, JD, Joom, Pandao, Lamoda and Wildberries. By the way, this year the creators AliTools plan to add new stores, including e-commerce giants, so the expansion of you for sure more will come in handy.
When you go to the product page, in the bottom left corner of the screen widget. He tells you how and when the price changed.
Here, for example, nice shoes, which we found on Lamoda in the sales section. They promise that the discount on them is 30%.
Indeed, judging by the price dynamics, everything honestly. Discount real, you can safely buy.
But the wily salesman with AliExpress. I pulled up the price of the hoodie, and then, presumably, will be showing off a big discount.
He promises to give the hoodie during the sale for about 600 rubles, but to increase the price it cost about 700 rubles. But now the beauty: on the background of the high price discount might seem impressive, but in fact it is quite modest.
To make it very convenient, you can add vending products in the "Favorites". To do this, click the heart to the right of the widget. If the price changes, the widget will notify you about it. This possibility is only for registered users AliTools, but the thing is really convenient, so do not be lazy to spend time for registration.
How do you know the real Seller Ratings
This option is only available for AliExpress - this is not a store, and the site where their products offer a variety of vendors. And some of them like to wind rating. For example, you can first sell cheap crap, but when typed enough positive feedback, go to the more expensive products.
Another popular trick - replacing goods. Suppose, first, the seller offers penny sponges for washing, which consistently popular. Then he slight movement of the hand changes the sponges to another, more expensive product, and reviews remain. The calculation is that rare buyer will read all comments. Ranking high in the product, and that it is typed very different things - a little secret of the seller.
AliTools It will help you understand whether or not to trust the seller or there is a risk of running into a swindler. Widget displays the actual rating as a smiley face and the percentage of positive reviews. Then collected Summary: Does the seller quickly send parcels, whether he easily goes to the contact with the customer, whether the proposed product description. With rated the store on AliExpress can be serious discrepancies.
A striking example: the store 98.8% positive feedback, but will not spend AliTools - expansion offers a sober look at the facts. Seller on the site not long ago, so it is better to look for another option.
And then everything is in order: the difference between the ratings of AliExpress AliTools and small goods correspond to the description, and in the contact with the buyer, the seller comes easily. In general, you can take.
How to purchase to see whether the product is worth the money
It happens, to put it mildly, disappointing when you order a thing, waiting for the parcel, but in the end you realize that sent outright garbage. To reduce the risk of grief, it is necessary to study the reviews before ordering the goods you are interested.
You can look it up all by yourself, but why waste time if AliTools already done everything for you? Expanding carefully collect photographic and video reviews. At the same time they are manually moderated, so what about the reliability can be assured.
Reviews can be sorted by content type. For example, see only those with photos, videos or exclusively. A useful option for those who do not like to shop at random, because in a review on the AliExpress are not always high-quality photos.
Another useful feature - tracking. You buy, and you can continue to follow the wanderings of the order by means of expansion. Click on its icon, and then select the tab "Packages". There gathered the information about the parcels which are on their way to you.
Possibility to purchase to find out the seller is honest or disingenuous, well worth it. AliTools helps you to find the lowest prices and current discounts. Service is actively developed, so that the Belarusian company-developer "DB Technologies"Waiting for your ideas on how to make AliTools better. If you have any suggestions or advice, do not hesitate to write to technical support.
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