How to disable autorun in media Telegram
Technologies / / December 19, 2019
The Telegram is a function of "auto-loading media." When the source sends a photo, picture, video, or voice message SIFCO, Messenger automatically downloads them to your device. This is useful, but only when your gadget has enough resources. If your friends and relatives like to fill you with all sorts of "cheerful" memes, messenger folder very quickly begin to swell to obscene proportions. In addition, auto-loading media in the Telegram eats mobile traffic.
Fortunately, this feature can be disabled or set so that it does not cause problems.
Telegram for Windows
Open the side Telegram panel and go to "Settings» → «Advanced settings." Locate the section "Startup media." There are three points: "In private chats", "The Group" and "B channel". Open any of them, you can select which files should be downloaded automatically, and which are not. Here you can set a limit on the size. The first is to disable the loading of heavy files: video, audio and GIF-animation.
it is also useful to look into the section "Data and Memory» → «management device memory." Here you can set the limit for the cache of stored media files and set how often to clean it.
Telegram for macOS
Click on the icon with the gears under Telegram list of contacts. In the Open the settings, select "Data and memory." Here we are interested in two sections: "Using Memory" and "Startup media."
In the "Startup" select what content public chat rooms to download or not. It is useful to set a limit on the size of the downloaded files. And can and does turn off the autostart.
In "Using Memory" you can adjust the period of storage media. With a shortage of resources, select the parameter to "1 month" or even "one week." It make life easier for owners MacBook with 128 GB.
Telegram for Android
Open the side panel Telegram and select "Settings» → «Data and memory." As with the desktop versions of the messenger, here you will find two interesting points: "Startup Media" and "Memory Usage".
Select which file types should automatically download and configure them for limits on the size. Then turn on the automatic cleaning cache to stored images long gathered dust in the smartphone memory.
Telegram for iOS
Open the "Settings» → «Data and Memory» → «Startup media." You can either completely disable autorun, or to limit it only to certain types of files. At the same time does not hurt to enable automatic cache cleaning in the section "Using Memory".
Telegram →
Price: Free
Price: Free
see also🧐
- 10 Telegram capabilities, which is useful to know
- How to link to channels and profiles Telegram after lock
- How to bypass a blocked Telegram