Competition «iPad for life hacking" will end August 10
Travels / / December 19, 2019
Help awake lemon, cut slices which periodically must sniff and then squeeze the lemon juice from the stale in chilled water. Perfectly tones!
Owners of smartphones and tablets (running Android especially) are advised to check the availability of support OTG on the device and in the case of thereof - buy-OTG cable. This will give you an USB-socket on your phone or tablet and therefore will save you from problems like:
- I run out of memory on your device - you can stick an ordinary stick and throw it in the superfluous, in the absence of the Internet.
- run out of memory on your camera - no longer need to carry a laptop or computer to look at the city, you can connect the camera to the phone and a pour photos to the cloud (eg, Google Photos or Dropbox), or use the phone as a mediator, and a few minutes to throw a photo to another USB-drive.
You can connect your device to a traditional mouse or keyboard - the mouse will help you edit photos, when a finger is not hit in the right spot, but with a physical keyboard is comfortable to type texts.
In your plate, no cell module, or it does not work in the region - via USB, you can connect a local ISP modem with a comfortable rate.
I carried with me hand cream, face tone and even toothpaste in containers for contact lenses - this is enough for a few days, and takes place as a matchbox. Who does not wear lenses - containers can be purchased at any drug store, are inexpensive.
Inflatable pillow under his head (from my "Ikea", with removable soft cover), takes place at least, the benefit is invaluable.
Soft water bottle - as the use of its volume is reduced, it is possible to fill up on the road.
Antiseptic spray pen size, the shape of the spray is more convenient than the bottle, one can use his free hand.
Alcohol wipes (tiny, the pharmacy sold for injection, worth a penny) - disinfection of minor injuries, rubbing the phone as the main clusters of microbes. Be sure to carry a few pieces. :)
Take with you, "Mr. Muscle" spray. Before refueling cars sprinkles on the windshield. Refuel, drive off, and washed the glass with wipers - flies and midges is gone ...
Always in the car has a small flashlight (rechargeable on-board network, and it is concurrently an additional battery for Mobile) to highlight the need for a dark corner / cubbyhole.
Main life hacking on a trip to the car company if stopped to visit the toilet - have yet to visit it! Otherwise we have to stop more often. And each stop - it's up to an hour of wasted time.