Getting a completely new situation for us, we go out of their usual comfort zone and become more receptive to the world around them and the lessons he gives. Just such a history and recently came to the editor "Layfhakera". Ian tells the story of how a place can have a positive impact on the attitudes and human life, namely, she talks about what it has taught a long stay on the island of Koh Samui.
I do not know whether it is possible to consider this achievement, but almost a half years ago, my husband and, at that time, 2-year-old child came to live in Thailand.
In addition, having lived on the island of Koh Samui, I:
I learned to genuinely smile. To all passers-by, and especially - children.
I met a lot of interesting people. Now I have a friend in French, secretly, fillippinka, Korean, Finn... with whom we exchange stories about the culture and customs of our countries, treated each other national dishes. Due to the popularity of the resort, I met also with many compatriots, which was interesting and fun here, and I hope the same will be in Kiev (well, or somewhere else).
I ceased to be jealous. When there are so many different people in different ways... and always successful in something else not very good, you start to think about your strengths and weaknesses. It's very motivating.
I ceased to be afraid of "living creatures." With whom I have just for this time is not met - snakes, large spiders, huge jellyfish, five-foot lizards, red skolopendry... not counting the harmless creatures that look is not always friendly and usually impress dimensions. Now a large flying cockroach, for example, I look without much enthusiasm, but also without the expressed emotion. And before that distorts even butterflies, honest! :)
More about people. I stopped a lot to expect from them. When you're in a foreign country and you do not even trusted friends or acquaintances, to watch others otherwise... Less offended if something is wrong, but indescribably happy about when you come to help! Several times complete strangers greatly surprised me in a good way. It costs a lot.
It has become even easier to treat things. First, learn to minimalism, just looking at Thais. Second, the effect is that we are here temporarily (no matter how meaningful it sounds :). Well, and, thirdly, a lot of it is not necessary here, and will not work... after the rainy season much goes in the trash due to mold. Now I have a minimal amount of clothing and shoes for the rest of my life. Exception - children's toys. A lot of them, and we try to touch on a regular basis and give local kids.
Everything has become easier to treat. Well, for example, before I pissed off with hot water or electricity for two hours. And in early December, and in our neighboring islands there was no light, no water (no) for three days, and nothing. Not only survived, but even a little bored of the romance and warm union of those days.
I became more tolerant. Live I have seen enough of all kinds of traditions, rituals, beliefs, beliefs, hobbies ...
I became a mother. Of course, I used to be it, but at home I had grandparents in the wings, relatives, friends, doctors, counselors and other sorts. In addition, walk son has recently started in the garden. And all the time I spent with him at home. And my husband and I, by the way, too. This is a very unique experience - around the clock to be together. But we are used to, and we like it. There was a sense of integrity - is our family, and have the rest of the world.
I travel around Asia. For our child already accustomed to the concept of "airplane", "steam", "Visa", "hotel"... Actually, for me is very significant that the son had so much to see and learn their 4 years. The most vivid adventure was a trip to Hong Kong for us. And especially - in Disneyland! It was a real family celebration and joy of childhood! :)
Became ironically it refers to a picture about the perfect job (Laptop on the beach :) or to the phrase "I want to get out of here" (about Ukraine). I now want to go back the other way around today. At least for a year. I understand that everything is seen from far more beautiful, and in our country is not all so radiantly. But first, I began to look different in principle to emigrate, and secondly, discovered a lot of strong, active, charismatic personalities, who live and work in Ukraine. And let them, too, that something does not suit, but they remain, and (deliberately
or passing) make this country and our society better. They want to be equal. Perhaps I now have too romantic mood, but here it is.
Actually, I think I have all become more mature, stronger and better :). I can not humbly say so, because in many ways - it is not my personal achievement, and the influence of circumstances and environments. For example, my husband is running for the second program on Run Keeper... and I now catch up :).
In general, these are the main results that emerged on the move... Pretty soon we end this phase of life. Very interesting, what will happen next. Once I heard the phrase, "go from good - for the better!". I think all this will happen.
In gratitude for the excellent post send Yana book "Platformยป. Send us stories that you have changed and made better!