7 ways to properly resolve conflicts in a relationship
Relations / / December 19, 2019
1. Both partners should take responsibility
If you are in every odds evading responsibility, then you accuse a partner. You are essentially saying, "The problem is always in you." This only exacerbates the conflict, because communication stops completely.
Take responsibility for your actions. Work on the problem together. Charges - it's just an excuse that does not help to get out of this situation.
2. Do not avoid problems
we often want to avoid a confrontation, so ignore the problem. In such cases, we must not think only of yourself and whether you are ready to deal with the situation. It is important to remember that you need to develop your relationship. Avoiding the problem, you will only complicate the situation.
To help resolve conflicts, try to avoid in the explanation of the word "you" talk better "I". So it will be easier to express their feelings and more difficult to inadvertently injure partner. Say, "I do not understand," rather than "You're wrong"; "I often feel ..." rather than "You always ...".
3. Do not criticize each other
Disagreements and quarrels happen at all. This is a natural reaction to the actions and solutions partner. But when disputes and quarrels turn into an attack on the very partner, not just criticism of his behavior, it portends trouble. It is worth considering if you say: "He (as) did not call (a) me, though promised to (a), not because they forgot (a), but because he is (a) a horrible person."
Even in the midst quarrelingWhen it is clear to think hard, try to take a deep breath and remember that your other half on your side. Always support each other, even if you're in something not see eye to eye.
Do not peel off each other anger and tension. Focus on the subject of the dispute and try to reach a compromise.
4. Communicate with each other
Do not expect that your partner will read your thoughts, share them. The more often you are silent, the higher the risk of misunderstandings and quarrels. Most of the problems in the relationship begins because of a lack of communication.
Listen to a partner not only to say something in response, but to understand. Condemn not, try to look at the situation through the eyes of its second half. The main thing - keep our respect for each other.
During the call, turn around to your partner, make eye contact, put the phone aside and not be distracted by other things. This will demonstrate that you really want to hear his point of view and solve the problem together.
5. Allow each other to maintain the dignity
Do not take everything at his own expense, we all sometimes get frustrated or angry after a hard day. Try to understand that your significant other behaves in this way, because at the moment is in pain. He reacts to his own thoughts and feelings, his behavior is likely nothing to do with your actions.
Even when the truth is on your side, do not try in the midst of an argument to insist on his. So you just make a partner to lose self-respect and humiliate him. Allow each other to maintain dignity. Calm down and then come back to the conversation.
6. Be prepared to make sacrifices
True love - this attention, discipline, constant effort and the ability to make sacrifices, even if you do not agree with each other.
Healthy happy relationships suggest that sometimes have to do something that you do not like to please a partner, and a willingness to make such sacrifices.
7. Accept the fact that the odds are always
Some couples spend years trying to convince each other, but sometimes it's just impossible. Some differences are due to fundamental differences in the nature, the views and values. You are only wasting your time trying to convert each other, and destroy relationships.
Accept each other as you are. Differences - an inevitable part of any long-term relationship. With these problems, we can live with. The main thing - to know how to behave in order not to aggravate them and feel as comfortable as possible.