As simple to explain complex
Relations / / December 19, 2019
Each one of us during the day faced with the fact that it incorrectly or did not fully understand. The saddest thing is that in most cases, the perpetrators of this ourselves. There talked with his mouth full, there is instead to show on the map, the scheme began to tell directions. Einstein said: "Just explain complex difficult. It is difficult to explain the complicated simple». Putting a little effort into explanations, we can improve the communication result in tens of times.
Take care how you hear. The first of the popular causes of misunderstanding each other - it's a bad hearing. Grounds for this: poor diction, noisy place or a bad phone connection. And if the person is also talking with machine gun speed, then you understand it is simply impossible.
Speak the same language. Make sure that all words used and you and your correspondent understand the same. Imagine that you went to stay with relatives for one and a half thousand kilometers and you are asked: "Bring beater." What is a broom, wine or??? By the way, 90% of disputes can be extinguished in one sentence: "
We argue because not agreed on terms. Let's discuss them».Be creative images. Few use the same words. They need to be created in the mind of each of us the same way. Here is a way you experience the phrase "smart people"? Perhaps this is one of your friends that is easy to understand your thoughts. The thing is that the word clever is that person who is forming to the fact that you set out for.
Drawing an analogy. It is often useful to go beyond the topic of conversation. Taking the experience of the interlocutor a similar situation, you can easily explain the complex subject. For example, system administrators often complain about the lack of understanding of the basics of computer networks accountants. Following the analogy of human communication and interaction between computers is a problem no longer. Server - grandmother gossip on a bench, information - rumors. Now the server will treasure it, and hide in the case of checks of bodies.
draw. Almost any thing can be difficult to draw. If difficulty is the logical relationships of objects, you can use Euler circles. If, however, the fact that the component parts so much that they start to get confused myself, you can use mind mapping. Here is an example of the picture, which shows how the classes should pay the most attention:
Ask clarifying questions. Few explain should also check that you understood correctly. And ideally recorded. You've guessed it, the name of the intersection circles "What I like to do" and "What do I get," but would not pay?