Exchange of short text messaging is one of the most popular means of communication nowadays. This is the easiest and most convenient way to send a reminder notice, request, hello, or any other message format that fits in the allotted number of characters. However, the availability and democratic text of correspondence does not mean that this can not abide by the rules of decency. In this article you will find unwritten messaging standards, which violate anyone and never recommended.
1. always answer
Never leave a message unanswered. If it is, of course, not the same person, contact with whom you want to permanently terminate or open spam.
2. Keep the schedule of other people in the head
There is nothing worse than to wake up at dawn or late at night only because of the fact that someone has decided to send a message to you. Try to respect the habits and routines of others and not to disturb them at the time when they may be busy or relax.
3. Do not write novels
short messaging service designed for exactly this and nothing else. If a set of messages takes you more than 30 seconds, it can, then it makes sense to write a normal letter or make a phone call?
4. Do not call in response to the message, if you do not ask about it
It is obvious that if you received the message does not contain a direct call to call back, then we must also respond to it in writing. If people wanted to talk to you, then he would have scored your room.
5. You did not answer right away? It's ok, calm down
If you have sent an important message and have not received it instant response, you should not be nervous. So we should not throw his companion with new and new SMS with substantially duplicate content. Once you do not respond, it means that person is busy. Or do not want to talk to you. And in the first and in the second case the situation is not repeated messages correct and will only cause irritation.
6. Do not use sarcasm, irony and other emotions
Correctly convey all the nuances of his thought sometimes fail to even experienced writers. Especially in a compressed format short text messages. Do not try to put your message in the second and third sense, if you want to be understood correctly.
7. If you are late, send the person a message
It's just good manners. Send to the person who is waiting for you, check the message and, after some time you will appear.
8. Double check Autocorrect
Keyboard mobile gadgets with auto-correction function is sometimes excrete such pranks that your text is sent to the recipient in a completely different form. Carefully check before sending what you typed in fact.
9. Twice, no, three times, check who sent message
There is no surer way to get into trouble than to send an error message to his boss, "Miss you, chicken" or confuse the names in the address book. Thrill guaranteed.
10. answer proportionally
Try to adapt to the style of communication of your interlocutor. If he prefers to share monosyllabic messages in the style of "yes - no - OK", then it is hardly worth the trouble himself long messages in his address. The more so because there is a clause under four of the list number.
11. Do not write anything that could not be said in the face
There is nothing worse than to shift on the shoulders of the messaging service of the tasks that you are afraid or do not want to run directly. It is not necessary to give up, to sort things out, to gossip or talk rudeness. In general, do not write anything that could not then be repeated in a personal meeting.
12. Do not use hashtags in posts
Some people think that it is very advanced and cool. In fact, stupid # # # funny ridiculous.
13. Do not use abbreviations and slang
Actually, not even that. Never use all these "lol, Liu, conductive, DR, pasibki, plz ..." in the event that certainly did not believe that the recipient is adequately perceive. And it is better to forget this teenage slang, because every time it hiccups somewhere your teacher of Russian language and literature.
14. Do not write in capital letters. NEVER!!!
Do you like it when you yell at? I think no. Therefore, never abuse CBSA, exclamation, question and other marks that are a sure sign of temper tantrums, and human inadequacy.
15. Is not overwritten when you communicate with another person
No worse than a situation where someone in a lively conversation while receiving a message, and immediately taken to answer it. The two people at the same time feel like fools, and their irritation about it is justified. Therefore, aside writing a response to the end of the meeting, unless, of course, do not want to hurt your company.
16. Do not rewrite on the go, or while driving
When traveling on city streets - whether on foot or by car - loss of focus and control over your surroundings may lead to very bad consequences. And if by walking, everything can be limited to a bump on his forehead, then attempt to type text messages while driving may be the last, not only for you but for other people who are not fortunate enough to be in your way.