Simple efforts that will change your life for the better
Tips Motivation / / December 19, 2019
It is imperative to set themselves the global challenges and prepare for them working plans, The implementation of which may require you to months, years and decades. But look at those little changes in your life that are taken away from you much less time, but it will give a strong effect.
Put a bowl of fruit
A study by Professor Brian Wansink (Brian Wansink) from Cornell University (USA) has shown that the presence in the house of a vase filled with fruit, has a positive effect on weight loss. Place it in the middle of the most well-trodden paths of your home - the way to the refrigerator - and conquer the temptation to eat everything that comes to hand, snack useful.
Evidence suggests that in this situation you have a chance to weigh 3.5 kg less in comparison to if you did not have at hand apples, avocado or other beneficial fruits.
Eat breakfast
It is a mistake to believe that the rejection of breakfast leads to consume fewer calories, and accordingly - to lose weight. Foreign scientists say that not skip breakfast weigh less than people who do not eat in the morning. Of course, we are aware that breakfast is breakfast strife. You do not know what would be useful to prepare? Learn about our infographic
the most healthy breakfast around the world.Do not ignore the opportunity to move
According to office workers, they are so busy with their official duties, they do not have time to get up from the chair, shake off the dust precipitated, and a dozen or two steps. Not at all, gentlemen, this is just your bullshit. In all circumstances, you still have to be distracted by phone calls and wait for their turn in the microwave. Why not make it in time, several movements? Take the example of top managers, for example, President of "Kyivstar"That is moved around the room, even during meetings.
Incidentally, brushing teeth, too, should not occur in a static state. Performing the steps at every opportunity, you will be overcome very decent number of kilometers every month, not to mention the one-year period.
Make a plan for tomorrow
Usually, your efficiency has the greatest potential in the early hours of the day. But you do not achieve the record efficiency if the sight is not calibrated action plan. Do not waste your precious time on inventing graphics Affairs in the morning! Better set aside for this end of the previous working day. In addition to saving the golden minutes you will not miss out of my head what was left unfinished yesterday.
Think about the weekend on Wednesday
Waiting for interesting events is often in itself becomes a part of happiness. Therefore it is useful to adopt the following rule: Plan on Wednesday evening in your holiday weekend. This can be an order for tickets concert or call a friend with an appropriate proposal. Just a couple of minutes fertile impact on the everyday life remaining. Pleasant feeling will accompany you, if output and related events have already happened to them. Among other things, pre-treatment will not thwart the plans as if you start to deal with them on Friday night.
Soften your Monday
Good morning does not happen. Monday morning is doubly frightening. Thoughts about the futility of existence is not the best way affects this very "existence". Therefore it is necessary to take care that the journey to work is not turned into a torture-gas chamber for your brain. Download Sunday evening interesting podcast or charging the track to the road has become a much more rosy. Ideally, it should do so every night, but earlier in the week for sure without gaps.
Pull up on the street
It is not necessary to turn into ghouls that appear on the street only at night. Daytime "shoots" improve mood and increase the concentration of the enclosed space. Subscribe to request the documents referred to the post office, make the company a colleague in the campaign for the coffee and not spend a lunch for all the same computer. Remember that you, as opposed to evil, Sunlight helpful for the spiritual and physical health.
To care for plants
Try to carve out among the placers of stationery for your desk a little space for plants. Not once scientific studies have provenThat the presence of greenery in the environment stimulates attention, increases productivity, improves psychological stability and just pleasing to the eye a beautiful picture. Frequent weeding, fertilizing and watering - delusional excuse, that has nothing to do with reality.
Limit your friendship with TV
Even in the Internet age television remains the main source of news and entertainment information for billions of people around the world. Pointless to recommend to everyone here is so easy to take and sever a close relationship with blue screen. But equally meaningless looks infinite perescholkivanie channels of nothing to do.
Try to change your approach to TV viewing. For example, write down on paper (underline the television program) all the things that you want to view. Firstly, the list of contemplation will clearly understand, if you go to far, and secondly, you get rid of the constant bounce back and forth across telesetke.
Set the alarm for sleep
Will not fray once again about the importance of a good rest in the form of sleep for human health. Each of you knows about your normal, after which he feels sleep. But not everyone manages to comply with it. Therefore we suggest you pick up a good old-fashioned alarm clock and set it not to wake up time, and for half an hour before you have to go to sleep. Hearing the signal, you will know that everything about everything you have 30 minutes. This good habit will allow you to wake up without problems and do not feel God's washcloth every morning.
Pomudrit with alarm
The first step, move your alarm clock away from the bed. This warning step you deny myself the opportunity to easily postpone the call for ten minutes. You have to make a physical effort of lifting out of bed to turn off tililimkanie. By the way, can force you to strain and various alarm clocks for smartphones, but we recommend using a mechanical version or a simple e-mail. Why? To save yourself from the temptation to check e-mail as soon as your eyes open.
Come up with an inspiring password
Typically, each of you have to several times a day to enter the password: e-mail, social sphere, corporate environment. And a good idea to come up with for this case a positive password, which will remind you of the pleasant side of life. But it is not necessary to use light words like "happiness" as a password. Or at least modify it to a "schast3" difficult to crack level.
Send messages from your benefit
Every day you are sending tens (or even hundreds) messages to a limited circle of people. Instill the habit of sending one letter to a person with whom you have not been in contact. This may be a school friend, a childhood friend and former colleague, but you never know who is more! And the reason is not particularly need to look - just ask about the situation. Chances are that a response letter will cause you a pleasant emotions or will have another positive effect.
Accumulate change and help the needy
I came home, jumped up, pulled out of the pockets of surplus ringing trivia and put them in a piggy bank. Approximately the daily ritual is almost no impact on your financial well-being, but will save half a year is quite a normal amount. Money can and should be sent to the charity, but it is not worth while to fall for scam tricks. To attach the accumulation can be and their children. By the way, they also help to determine the future recipient of the money collected.
Do not waste time
Endless traffic jams and incessant turn turning people into inactive quarries. Is seeking out flaws plasters on the walls of useful call to parents? Not! And here's another 15 ways spend usefully 5 minutes.
Probably, you brush your teeth twice a day. Maybe even try to approach each lasted 30 seconds and two minutes. Commendable. But in order to make your next visit to the dentist was the only prevention would be nice to recall the existence of flossing after each meal.
Probably, this inexpensive item will allow you to save dental health and at the same time save a decent amount of money is never superfluous.
Stick to the chosen strategy
Single application tips given above will only incidental effect. For full impact need to become more demanding of myself. And to help in the management reporting. Try to report himself on Friday about the plans that you managed to realize. These goals can be accompanied by a promotion. It boils down to the fact that under the "burden" of the forthcoming report will be easier to repeat the steps that ultimately lead to the development of habits. And from it will not be so easy to get rid of.