There are situations when you need to maintain a conversation with the person you see for the first time. Not only do you have to somehow start a conversation, because he still need to somehow continue. Even worse, if it is necessary to conduct a dialogue with absolutely no interest to you interlocutor. What do you do when the conversation, to put it mildly, did not catch on?
What I see that and I sing
Take a look. That surrounds you at this point? Stick kindling a fire call, can be any phrase: about the design of the room where you are, what is happening outside the window, or even the question "what password from the wi-fiĀ».
A classic example: "Today the weather beautiful, is not it?". The main thing - be positive and in any case do not complain. The first time you see the person - it's not the best time to express any negative.
Search common interest
Be aware of events in the world - means being able to maintain a conversation with anyone. Before the meeting, is not superfluous to view the summary information for the day or the last week.
They will become a real "lifeline" of your conversation. If suddenly there was an awkward pause, you can select an event and ask companion opinion about it. In an extreme case - to tell the details, and to enlighten the same person that's going on in the world.
The right questions - correct answers
One should try to ask questions that they could get extensive answers. Fit options such as: "How do you spend" or "what do you do in life."
Such questions help a person to concentrate on any one subject. It can be home, work, family, hobbies. The interviewee feels more at ease, talking to friends and relatives he threads.
Language to Kiev
Asking questions that simply "yes" or "no" do not answer, you get an additional advantage. All that is required - is to listen carefully to the interlocutor. Since based on their response will be to form a new leading questions.
The initiative is not punishable
If the "guerrilla" still stubbornly silent, it's time to show their own initiative. We begin to bombard the interlocutor questions to find out as much information about it as possible: about his hobbies, interests, outlook, habits.
It is no secret that every one of us likes to amuse your ego, so once again talk about yourself favorite hardly refuse. Here are some good questions: "What kind of books do you read," "most visited Internet resources?", "What is your passion?". They will help to learn a lot about a person and bring the conversation out of the pit of silence.
Playing with facial expressions
Listen to the interlocutor and "Accompany" him. If he tries to joke, even if not ridiculous - at least smile. It is not necessary to demonstrate a mad delight, if you do not care who won the "Chelsea" and "Spartacus", but slightly raised his eyebrows - not so difficult.
However, the coin there is a downside. There are some comrades who, as soon as you start to listen to them carefully, abruptly change the subject or even silent. Thus, it may again occur awkward pause.
What do you do when every effort to keep the conversation nullified?
Means no luck. You can relax with peace of mind and to state this fact the phrase a la "Come on garlic: something to talk today is not glued." Of course, this is an extreme measure. But it can work!
Personally, I'll take this interesting way mental note. And you?