How to tell the boss "no" and put himself in the best light
Relations / / December 19, 2019
Imagine ourselves superior, gave the order to his subordinate. What you in such a situation would be to hear "no"? A short, meaningless, negative word. Misunderstanding and irritation - faithful companions of a categorical denial. Please find tips to help you take the correct position in a conversation with the head and turn the course of events in the right direction.
You, as a competent officer and specialist radeyuschie for business development or common cause, just You must be able to correctly apply their vision of the situation, and do not care to deny everything or to everyone agree.
The trick is to refuse more diplomatically, to express their views without actually using the word "no." Again, this categorical denial often meets the wall of misunderstanding and creates tension in communication.
The situation: lack of time
Instead: No, I do not have time.
Try: Could you help prioritize my work?
The quick answer about the absence of free time for the execution of a new instruction may seem a good option when the work really up to his neck. But the leader, this response may doubt your ability to plan their working hours.
In this case, more favorable bid looks boss jointly plan the execution of the previously set tasks. Well, if at this time you have on hand will be a schedule or plan for employment. Operate on the principle: do not say, and show. Visual information to match words with the estimated number of necessary time to have the scheduled tasks, mentioning that you have to be postponed for a short time or a long time to stop, the implementation of the current objectives, in the case of new instructions.
In this scenario, you will demonstrate the ability of strategic thinking and planning, as well as show their focus on early outcome. Choice would be for the boss. Him to weigh and decide. Thus, the task may be delegated to another employee, or your current order will give way to her place. In any case, as you comply plan of action, stop worry and be torn into multiple tasks.
Situation: you are at the root do not agree with the proposed strategy
Instead: No, I do not think it would work.
Say: Can I suggest another idea?
Even if you think you would never have gone along this path when working with a client, and how to do this can be think of, remember that such a dramatic way of thinking is not conducive to finding the optimal variant and the bud suppresses birth new ideas.
Try to ask yourself and your boss to the question: "Can I get another idea," In this case there are two possible scenarios. You will hear a "yes" or "no." If you follow the affirmative, that is likely to happen, then you have a chance to prove the correctness of their vision and direct vector of developments in the direction you want.
If you hear a negative response, then treated him with understanding. Apparently, the decision was made thoroughly and deeply deliberately, as it can have an additional, unknown to you, subtext. In any case, you present yourself with the best hand, showing their initiative and willingness to participate in the discussion of strategies for the development of business processes.
The situation: you just do not want
Instead: Damn! Not!
Say: Of course.
Some of the employees have to come first to work in the morning. Someone has to work late. If you work for a company with a small staff, the deadline is looming on the horizon, or in front of the peak of seasonal work, then you increase the chances to hear the boss's request to perform additional work. The first thing that usually comes to mind in this case, is the desire to exclaim: "Why me? I am no one to do the job for? "
Hear like it will be unpleasant to each of your colleagues. After these words no one will take you a team player. And what kind of a spirit of enterprise now can we talk? Should be afraid of such statements in order not to be considered a net or zaznaykoy, which is in a special position.
However, you can still say 'no' if the task will distract you from other projects, or you feel that someone crosses your work for you. Try the first two tips.
If common sense tells you that this work must be done by you in spite of laziness, express your inner and outer harmony. Saying to myself "yes", you will be easier to cope with the task. While agreeing with the boss, do not forget to further remind your supervisor of the work overtime, which you already have committed. Focus on what kind of useful non-working load you have already completed. This step will increase your chances of increase in pay and provide you a hardworking employee.
Words better silence
Summing up the results. The boss who does not hear its refusal to order - the boss with whom you can negotiate. Bringing his vision of the situation puts you in a comfortable position in which you do not uvyaznite in foreign teams and solutions.