How to escape from unpleasant conversation
Relations / / December 19, 2019
Each of us has a theme, which we would not like to discuss. But there is a way to help avoid unpleasant conversation.
Often relatives begin to elicit from you the details of his personal life. This can happen not only in the family circle, but also in conversation with friends. On the one hand, you have them, of course, love and do not want to be rude to them. On the other hand, they can affect very sensitive issues.
You feel that at the next meeting you have to get out of an awkward situation? So you need to think in advance a specific plan of retreat.
Think of the standard answers to tough questions. They should be neutral, but true.
For example, to answer the painful question for you about the welfare of the next of kin, add: "I think he would have liked to have seen you." If your partner is really worried about it, you probably will find a way to talk to him personally. Just sometimes people need to keep the conversation going, and they did not even suspect that you may be hurt.
Very briefly answer the question, and then quickly, but quietly changed the subject.
The topic should be similar to the one you started to discuss. Then the interlocutor is hardly realize that you move away from the conversation. And if they notice it, you probably will not go back to the old theme, as it would be inappropriate.
For example:
- Why does your brother do not come? (In fact, you and your brother in a quarrel and no longer communicate).
- He decided to have some time alone. Although you may have, he would have gladly talked. And how's your sister? I also have not seen it.
So you will not engage in the human details of his personal life, but in doing so he will not be on you offense.
Of course, you will not always manage to deftly avoid unpleasant conversations. If it is something you just do not discuss in the state should come up with the answer in advance.