How to recognize perspektitsid - a new kind of psychological violence
Relations / / December 19, 2019
Violence in relationships can not only be physical. Gazlayting, viskholding, emotional blackmail - the list of forms of negative psychological impact if not infinite, it is very long. The list included a new term - perspecticide.
Analogues of the word "perspektitsid" in Russian yet, even in foreign scientific articles it is used infrequently. But this does not mean that this form of psychological abuse few victims. Details about the phenomenon of the publication Business Insider said investigator Lisa Aronson Fontes (Lisa Aronson Fontes).
Lisa Aronson Fontes
Researcher University of Massachusetts at Amherst and author of Invisible Chains: Overcoming Coercive Control in Your Intimate Relationship.
What is perspektitsid
Perspektitsid - a phenomenon in which the partner is the aggressor changes the way of thinking of the victim. The victim is no more opinions, ideas and positions. He sees the world as beneficial abyuzeru because aware of the truth has become unsafe. The word consists of two parts: perspective (point of view) and end cide, meaning killing.
Lisa Aronson FontesPerspecticide actually means the inability to know what you know.
Many signs have in common with perspektitsid gazlaytingom. In both cases we are talking about changing reality. In the case of an aggressor gazlaytinga casts doubt on the adequacy of the victims: it manipulates the memories, denying the facts, devalues anxiety and distress. Sacrifice shame at what she is innocentHow gaslighting makes you feel like you're going crazy. The aggressor deprives resources: money, unable to move freely.
Gazlayting essentially a reception perspektitsida. Abyuzer forces partner to believe in the unbelievable things so often that he did not understand more than that really. Sooner or later the victim accepts the rules of the game and forget the world that could make decisions. She is deprived of his own thoughts, ideas, goals coming your opinions, religious beliefs, and becomes a victim of perspektitsida.
With what face perspektitsida victim
Fontes shared stories of victims from perspektitsida.
The ban on private space
In one of the stories the husband forbade his wife to have their own toothbrush. He said that people in the marriage are divided in such things. For the victims were banned on their own space. Even the use of a bathroom she had the door open.
Total control
In another story husband slept all day, awake at night, and demanded the same from his wife. He controlled when she sleeps, eats, hiding her medication. All this makes the victim is physically weak. As a result, she could not even remember his age, since all aspects of her life are not controlled by it.
mind reading
Another victim is believed that her husband was reading her thoughts. In reality, the husband was watching her through the cameras and trackers.
Another injured partner said that her microphone implanted to check what she does all day. He controlled her movements in other ways, but she was satisfied with the explanation of a microphone. The woman did not have versions, where he knows all about it. Those who suffered talked about it, thought it was crazy. This, according to Fontes, isolate the victim from society even more.
In these examples, all the victims - women, however, are not immune from perspektitsida men.
How to protect yourself from perspektitsida
Perspektitsid - this is not the first stage of emotional abuse. It manifests itself after long-term psychological impact when the victim is isolated from the society, and its internal and external resources are depleted. Therefore it is better detect abyuzera before the relationship became serious.