What to do if your teenager prokrastiniruet
Relations / / December 19, 2019
Tips for parents who are faced with the absolute unwillingness of his grown-up child to make important and necessary things.
Find out the cause and explain her teen
What teens need to know about procrastination? First of all it causes. They can be:
- Cognitive: "I'll do it later."
- Affective: "Oh, it's boring and uninteresting."
- Behavioral: "I will do what seems interesting to the rest of spit."
These factors - together and separately - can inhibit its action, cause activity decrease, substitution tasks priorities. If a teenager has time to notice at such displays, increasing the chances to stop procrastination at an early stage.
Be empathic
Empathy - the ability to see, understand and accept the feelings and opinions of others. Normally, we would like to listen to those who understand us and offer sensible ideas. For the teenager who is often in a state of war with the world, empathic parental support is particularly important.
Do not stand on the other side of the barricades. Talk with your teen as a friend experiencing problems with procrastination. You do not lash out at friends with condemnations and angrily denounced speeches?
Empathy parents reduces the level of stress in adolescents, boosts self-confidence and a positive effect on academic performance.
Empathy is particularly important in the first, and perhaps most important step on the way to eliminate procrastination. It is important to realize and accept the existence of problems in adolescents. So you will be a support for the grown-up child, it reliable understanding friend.
Help him develop self-control
The road to self-knowledge, and assumes that the person takes responsibility for himself and for all the important events in his life.
Self-control is based on realistic prospects, backed by robust thoughts that lead to responsible action. For a teenager, it is the student's conscious desire to get high scores and learn desired specialty, career choice taking into account the interests and skills and produce a variety of emotional experience, including through interaction with others people.
The high level of self provides high productivity and serves as protection against procrastination. Youth - the perfect time to pump this quality.
Be a team
Your empathy will help adolescents to develop skills of self-control. Start with a small experiment, supporting each other all the way.
To begin to put a specific purpose. They must be important, significant, measurable and achievable. For example, your goal - to regain physical form or lose a few kilos. Teenager can choose something from the study: the top five in the quarter, the exam with flying colors, or a prize in an important competition. This is the purpose of the child, his challenge.
Next, make a plan of action. Your plan - the power correction and exercise program for weight loss. In terms of a teenager - learning courses, the list of books to study and practical training schedule. Every day, follow a certain small part of the problem.
Most importantly, be consistent and do not be lazy. Your experience, your participation, your union to fight procrastination - an example for a teenager.
During the experiment, the freedom to share emotions, opinions and experience: that was given the most difficult, I did not want to do at all, or at what stage came lightness. Ends experiment achievement goals: in your case - weight loss, in the case of a teenager - excellent marks for a quarter or semester.
No need to be perfect. Progress - is the struggle of the old methods with new ways to achieve the goals. Small errors are natural in this way. This is the empathy: you do not condemn, and accept and support.