Moana: Wayfinding With Code - a nice way to teach children the basics of programming
Forming Web Services / / December 19, 2019
"Moana" promises to be the most high-profile animated event this year. A new project studio Walt Disney Moana: Wayfinding With Code introduces children not only with characters from the cartoon, but also to the construction of algorithms.
All children love to watch cartoons. The creators of the interactive site Moana: Wayfinding With Code decided to use this fact in order to motivate kids programming. The project is intended for the youngest audience and is designed to give the most general information about the construction of algorithms.
The training will help the children of cartoon characters to perform various tasks and overcome obstacles associated with the plot. It is necessary to direct the actions of the toon on a custom created firmware, which are assembled from individual teams units.
Website Moana: Wayfinding With Code was established under the initiative Hour of Code. It involves the launch of a variety of recreational and educational sites, courses and presentations, which in an entertaining form acquaint children with computer technology. Previously, the studio had already presented similar projects in the style of popular movies
Frozen and Star Wars.Moana: Wayfinding With Code is available in 180 countries in 23 languages, including Russian. Show this interactive course programming for their children. They like.
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