10 free online courses on Coursera, you can go in November
Forming Inspiration / / December 19, 2019
Feel that study - it is young, and you are not up to it? Try to get some online course, and understand: learn at any age and almost any situation. Especially that the long autumn evenings quite a self-improvement.
Layfhaker traditionally prepared for you a selection of 10 courses on Coursera. Find out what knowledge you will be able to replenish the intellectual baggage in November.
Start of the course: November 1, 2014
Course duration: 4 weeks
Organizer: University of Rochester
Tongue: English
A successful business starts with an idea. Brilliant idea. The only problem is that at the initial stage, all ideas seem to be winning. Learn to separate the seeds from the chaff will this course. It's designed for those who want to improve their ability to generate workable entrepreneurial ideas and translate them into a profitable business. After all, before you invest (or their investors), you need to carefully analyze the concept.
Start of the course: November 3, 2014
Course duration: 8 weeks
Organizer: Case Western Reserve University
Tongue: English + Russian and Ukrainian subtitles
From the perspective of psychology, emotional intelligence - the ability to understand and interpret the emotions and use them to solve problems. Author of the course Richard Boyatzis (Richard Boyatzis) believes that through emotional intelligence can become a leader. Leaders establish a deep spiritual connection with people and evoke an emotional response in their hearts. In addition, they are staunchly opposed to stress and do not lose their self-control. All this can be learned through the emotional intelligence.
Start of the course: November 3, 2014
Course duration: 5 weeks
Organizer: University of Edinburgh
Tongue: English
Many are convinced that traditional education one foot in the grave. Why go to school when you can gain knowledge remotely? While those that need it to you, and not imposed by the state educational programs. Online education is really more and more important and promising. In this connection the question arises: what should be the digital pedagogical culture? In other words, how to teach and learn, abandoning academic approaches? This course is designed for teachers who specialize in remote training, as well as for people who actively use information technology for production of new knowledge.
Start of the course: November 4, 2014
Course duration: 5 weeks
Organizer: University of Copenhagen
Tongue: English
Ebola - a phrase even children know today. World scared, because the fever has claimed hundreds of lives and crossed the borders of the African continent. In this regard, the University of Copenhagen course is particularly relevant. From it you will learn about important global health issues, and will also be able to understand the structure of its structure. Also you will have the opportunity to study human health strategy in the future.
Start of the course: November 10, 2014
Course duration: 5 weeks
Organizer: University of Geneva
Tongue: English
This course is part of the graduate program Challenges in Global Affairs (global policy issues). Guide international and public organizations requires flawless management skills and a deep understanding of the socio-economic and political context of their activities. The course is designed to give students a basic understanding of the practice of international relations, as well as familiarize them with the challenges faced by international organizations. In it will address key managerial moments - from strategy to attract investment planning.
Start of the course: November 10, 2014
Course duration: 7 weeks
Organizer: University of Maryland
Tongue: English
Cryptography - the science of how to ensure confidentiality and authenticity of information. Simply put, it teaches you how to encrypt a message so that it could read only one to whom it is intended. From this course you will learn classical encryption methods and the principles of modern cryptography. It is included in the curriculum for Cybersecurity specialization (computer security) and is aimed primarily at programmers.
Start of the course: November 10, 2014
Course duration: 6 weeks
Organizer: Copenhagen Business School
Tongue: English
Neuromarketing - the study and interpretation of the involuntary human reactions to trade items (goods logo, name of the store, etc. musical accompaniment advertising, etc...). The fact that any external stimulus is first reflected in the subconscious, and then in the mind. This active use retailers: they scan the brain, measured by heart rate, follow the movement of the pupils buyers and determine how to sell them your product. Neuromarketing post-Soviet market - this is quite a new area. Therefore, this introductory course can be a great carrying case for those who want to better understand their target audience and increase sales.
Start of the course: November 11, 2014
Course duration: 6 weeks
Organizer: Wesleyan University
Tongue: English
In September this year in New York hosted a two-day conference titled Social Good Summit. She gathered the world's leading entrepreneurs, scientists, writers, public figures and politicians to work out the answer to the question: "What kind of world I want to live in 2030?ยป (# 2030NOW). Presentations of speakers and policy documents developed by participants of the summit, as the basis of this course. For six weeks, you will be able to get acquainted with these materials, and also participate in the discussion clubs with other students. Also, you will be asked to generate a plan of action with regard to this or that problem. Perhaps it is you figured out how to change the world for the better.
Start of the course: November 17, 2014
Course duration: 6 weeks
Organizer: Saint Petersburg State University
Tongue: Russian
Now, not only HSE pleases Coursera English-speaking users, but also the Saint Petersburg State University. The course of this school will be dedicated to bioinformatics. You will not only get acquainted with this interdisciplinary science, but also learn how it helps in the work of physicians and biologists. Each week, students will receive a video lectures and homework. The course is entirely in Russian. Advance preparation - to understand the difference between DNA and RNA.
Start of the course: November 24, 2014
Course duration: 8 weeks
Organizer: University of Rome La Sapienza
Tongue: English
Archeology - the science that studies the history of real sources (weapons, utensils, clothes, etc.). Think about it, writing, there are about 5000 years old, but we know that before this people lived, and most importantly, know how to: How to eat where slept, what they believed and what war! It is a merit of archeology. It expands the space and time horizons of history. This course will introduce you to the theory and practice of archeology, as well as learn how to extract lessons from the past in order to preserve the cultural heritage of mankind in the future.
Fear not, you do not know - be afraid, do not learn.
Chinese saying
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