Can you become a programmer?
Forming / / December 19, 2019
Love to business
You should not just like programming - you must get sick of it. To succeed, you need to be a bit of a fanatic of the business as Nikola Tesla or Richard Dawkins.
Ask yourself why you want to become a programmer. If the answer is - "It is fashionable to" or "to make money", then you better do something else. There is nothing worse than going to work simply because it is necessary.
Without passion for programming is difficult to dive in head design. Complex tasks are not whet, and oppress you. Your creativity will be at zero, and the result is below average.
Employer note: a good sign if the summary in the "Hobby" competitor to the position of the programmer said: "I write the code."
The ability to be flexible
One of the key qualities for a programmer - it is systems thinking. Tehnarom be enough. It is important to quickly isolate the important thing is to be able to split and synthesize all the tasks and calculate a few steps forward.
Without a systematic approach is unlikely to succeed to master several languages.
Employer note: expert in C ++ or Java - it's great, but even better if the programmer who specializes in a particular language, understands the others know what's inside, not only back-end, but the front-end.
Modern programmer should be flexible thinking. Without it, it is impossible to focus on the result and look at the product of the user's eyes.
willingness to learn
Quality, logically follows from the previous one. Technology evolves very quickly. To be competitive, constantly hone in practice the available knowledge and get new ones. Self-non-stop mode.
- Read books on programming.
- Subscribe to blogs known coders.
- Share your experience with colleagues in specialized communities.
- Attend thematic conferences.
- And, of course, see the online courses.
Will help service There you will be able to improve the skills of coding in the Python, PHP and other languages, worked with, and the pump attendant skills. For example, in the field of system administration, SEO or SMM.
Programmer knows how to perform the task. A good programmer knows how to make it in time. Deadlines are important. About them we can not forget the more they score. The client simply missed deadlines once or twice, but it will go to a responsible third executor.
Employer note: during the interview, ask the programmer to estimate how much it will take time to complete a specific task. If difficult to answer, he did not know anything about time management.
You need to skillfully manage your time wisely allocate resources and set priorities. This is called planning.
Skill to work in team
Why is it so important to the programmer keep track of time? Because he was not alone. The timeliness of its actions depends on the work of many people: designers, managers, marketers.
A common misconception that a programmer - a terry introvert, which stands up from the computer only to cut his beard. In fact, communication skills for the programmer is just as important as any other IT-specialist.
Employer note: offer the programmer trainee to spend a little self-presentation to colleagues - will realize if he had any problems with communication.
A person experiencing difficulties with communication, not a team player. He did not explain the problem and colleagues would not understand feedback.
Ability to quickly enter the state of flow
During operation, the programmer extremely centered, disconnected from all external factors. Someone needed for this silence, someone who adds to music on headphones. Someone from time to time to play with their colleagues in the air hockey, to restart the brain, and someone can not be touched until the finish.
Employer note: create programmer ideal habitat, and you will see miracles performance.
And what you need to enter in a state of flux? Explore the eponymous book Mihayya Csikszentmihalyi and work out the algorithm.
Write the code - is half the battle. In the programmer a lot of routine: code verification and troubleshooting bugs and - most hated - changes. It requires perseverance and patience.
A simple test: select one of the free courses GeekBrains and go from start to finish. Perform all tasks not schlock. If you can handle, then overbearing (in the best sense of the word) you order. What about stress?
The ability to cope with difficulties
If you think that the profession programmer quiet, then mistaken. It is full of stress: from strict deadlines and the most complicated tasks.
Employer note: before signing the employment contract, ask the programmer to solve a complex mathematical equation. If it is limited to a cursory analysis, and referred to the impossibility of the solution, then, is likely to be prokrastinirovat whenever a new challenge will be to appear before him.
A good programmer has faced difficulties. Even if at first glance, the problem has no solution, try to find it. From that starting innovation.
A healthy portion of laziness
Larry Wall, Perl programming language creator, in his book calls for three important quality of a programmer:
- a high self-evaluation;
- restlessness;
- laziness.
Yes, laziness. For a copywriter, or, for example, a project manager is of poor quality, but the programmer a healthy portion of laziness is a must. It will encourage him to seek and find the quickest and most effective way of solving the problem that the company is saving time and money.
Employer note: ask how your new programmer is going to optimize and automate workflows.
He is a bad programmer who does not dream to become head of IT-department or to start a startup. Ambition - lever driving gears other qualities that make up the steep encoder.
Can you become a programmer? Yes, if you are burning desire, ready to learn and work on yourself. Develop described above and quality learning programming.
Learn the basics of programming