10 tips for those who want to improve English language proficiency
Forming / / December 19, 2019
Learning English for many of our readers may not be such a simple task as it might seem at first glance. Like, what there is: buy tutorials, audio course - and learn. In a pinch, you can sign up or use a foreign language audio lessons and a variety of interactive study of the local school lessons on Skype or platforms of learning foreign languages like LinguaLeo.
Today we give 5 tips to help you improve your own pronunciation, and further 5 - for those who want to learn how to better understand the interlocutor and take Elementary English "aurally".
5 ways to improve your proficiency in spoken English
Work on pronunciation: good pronunciation will help you to reach an understanding in conversation with those for whom English - native language. there is three different levels pronunciation, and the majority of those who study English, one way or another, all three levels of use. In order to use all three, and to improve their pronunciation, we recommend you different lessons and audio courses.
Listen as much as possible and gear podcasts in English: most beginners prefer to read a lot, but few listen to broadcasts and "live" the English language. Start primarily to listen, and then go to the permanent reading and writing. Spend more time audio lessons and listening to the different pronunciation variants, accent and style of English speech. In addition, good help will practice reading aloud, pronunciation of monologues and dialogues in those aloud and repeating spoken vluh after a teacher or an audio recording.
Read aloud often and a lot. In this case, however, there are a couple of problems:
Not everyone is given a formulation of thought English words
Not everyone is given the first time pronunciation
Reading aloud helps to solve the second problem by narabatyvaniya skills. To improve your pronunciation, large texts read aloud several times. The words that cause you the greatest difficulty, it is necessary to repeat a couple of times for separately: the first time - slow, the second time - at an accelerated pace to sound the most natural.
Memorize whole sentences rather than single words. When learned a new word, you will learn from them some whole phrase or sentence. Repeat this phrase or sentence of up to 10 times in a row, that was the most natural sound and pronunciation - effortlessly.
In improving your oral communication skills will help you feel good oral lessons and audio courses, and a variety of themed educational podcasts in English.
5 ways to improve your spoken English skills in communication
In communication Your openness and naturalness of adverse communication is often more important than adherence to all the rules of grammar. Sometimes it's better to say "not by the book," but at the same time to convey to his interlocutor the right idea, than to suffer for a long time, searching for words, and formulating the complex grammatical structure.
In a conversation with the other person talks slowly. Too rapid speech with an accent and mistakes will not make you "like" the one who knows English since childhood. Pronunciation of a slow and unhurried speech have their "pros":
Do you have time to think about what you're going to say.
Your speech will be clearer and more understandable to the interlocutor.
Over time, and as active communication with the "native speakers" your English improves, it will be smoother and faster.
Train think in English. Translating "thought in my head" from your native language into English, train and pronounce formulate sentences and phrases about myself, to think about the events and what's happening in English, and not just in Russian.
If you forget a word, try to replace it with another word or description "forgotten" concepts. Often newcomers to learn English "stumble" in oral communication with other companions, forgetting a word or definition. Do not get lost: use synonyms, antonyms, descriptive notion of analogy.
And most importantly - and do not be nervous maintain a positive attitude! Conversation - this is not an exam, here no one requires you to high ratings and a thorough knowledge of English. Be patient, be positive in their attitude to the other person, do not be nervous for no reason and just educate yourself: for this purpose English as one of the key languages of international communication fits perfectly it's better.
A photo: Shutterstock