6 lectures at TED style from the best professors at Harvard
Forming / / December 19, 2019
Each of us has his passion, but I wonder what Harvard professor addicted masthead? This they told in his 10-minute lecture at TED style, the event Harvard Thinks Big. For example, the passion of a professor is interested in the legalization of drugs.
Harvard Thinks Big - vseuniversitetskoe event that brings together the best of Harvard professors to communicate with students. The purpose of this meeting - to attract the attention of students to a wide range of "big ideas" that they can skip past.
Rob Lue, «The Digital Evolution of the University»
Among a number of professors of titles there is also the position of "Director HarvardX» - this Digital project, which It provides a variety of online courses freely available to everyone in the Massive Open Online Courses format (MEP). Some of them you can find among the 59 on-line courses of the world's universities, which open in April. In his speech, Professor talked about the transformation of the learning process with the help of digital technology.
Jeffrey Miron, «Legalizing Drugs»
Senior lecturer and director of undergraduate at the Department of Economics Jeffrey Miron interested in the question of legalization of drugs. Miron argues why we should reconsider its opinion on the benefits of any kind of drug prohibition.
People go to great lengths, despite all the risks of drug use, because they believe that they are doing their best. I believe that the government should recognize it.
Nicco Mele, «The End of Big»
Lecturer in Public Policy at Shorenstein Center at Harvard's Kennedy School, during his speech, explains the role in our lives of large news organizations (and large organizations principle).
Katherine K. Merseth, «I Want You to Consider ...»
Senior Lecturer in Education in his speech promotes careers in the field of education. Her speech was so inspiring that at the end of the lecture, the audience after the question "who are planning in the future engaged in teaching activities "in agreement stood half of the students who were in hall.
Jeff Lichtman, «Connectomics: Mapping the Brain»
Professor of molecular and cell biology Jeff Lichtman explained the changes in the relationships in our brain.
Marcyliena Morgan, «If I Ruled the World: Imagine That»
Professor of African American Studies, founder and director of Hiphop Archive at Harvard University, promoted in his speech a more thorough study of rap.
Why watch video
Professor raised topical and controversial subjects, expressing its reasoned opinion. Watch their performance should not to agree or disagree with their point of view and to draw attention to these issues on their own.