Top Free webinars on programming for beginners and pros
Forming / / December 19, 2019
Programmer - it is a profession that requires continuous development of new knowledge and skills. For good work you need to constantly improve. To pump can be different ways. One of the most affordable ways - webinars, by which in a short time you can get acquainted with the experience of experts.
Good news for all those who already understands the programming: a series of webinars to be held in May, in which you will learn a lot of useful information. Starting with how the code helps to not only work, but also to have fun, and finishing features cross-platform configuration management systems.
May GeekBrains free webinars - register and Suck skills without spending a dime.
Who conducts webinars
Organizer of the webinar serves educational portal GeekBrainsAlready known to you both in free courses for beginners as well as for major educational modules, "Profession", to successfully master the whole trend of programming, to undergo training and to start career. Leading webinars, which are designed both beginners and practitioners of programmers, teachers will GeekBrains, experts
with impressive experience in development behind. Everything you learn can be immediately applied at work.Choose the webinar, which you more interesting and better take the time for a few.
How to break through the programming
So called one of the proposed portal GeekBrains webinars. No jokes with the programming really can relax. In order to master this useful skill, you need quite a bit.
Relax with a code - a combination of business with pleasure. When you allow yourself to relax and be creative, you simultaneously hone their skills and looking for inspiration for new achievements.
The webinar will study SmallBasic library for C #, and end lawlessness creative music. At the same time you will learn to create three-dimensional effects, a little paint and design a personal assistant.
A great start to explore new!
How not to get lost in a variety of instruments
webinar "Modern web development environment"Devoted to the effectiveness of the programmer. In development, there are many important tools that help you quickly and accurately handle the various tasks. And sometimes it is not easy to find among them most suitable for your needs.
The webinar will help to create his own studio. In it all the tools necessary to the programmer, will be structured in such a way that you can find the right material, without making extra efforts.
This, in addition to the actual structure will focus on using popular tools such as:
- text editor (Atom),
- Git-client (GitKraken),
- SQL-client (Valentina Studio),
- create charts (
As a result, organizational issues will not distract you from the foundation of the code, which means you'll work faster and concentrate better.
How to understand the databases
database - one of the most difficult to learn topics for beginners, so it is dedicated to a single webinar called "database - it's easy!".
He will once and for all deal with the major issues that affect the database, and how to use them correctly.
It's about how to create databases, connect to them and use in their work. Together with the teacher, you will understand interesting examples - and to code immediately to secure skills.
How to quickly configure the server
Webinar for advanced IT people. On it will talk about Puppet - software created in the Ruby language, which allows you to configure servers and manage software.
Puppet relates to configuration management systems. The administrator who is able to work with such software can manage systems and applications on a vast number of servers.
After the webinar in your hands is a tool that allows configuring the server will be much faster and easier. To learn more about Puppet recommend that middle-developers, system administrators and programmers DevOps-direction.
... and 300 more webinars
And that's not all! Registration on a portal giving access to all been past webinars for beginners and intermediate, which is almost three hundred thematic material!
If you feel that knowledge to the webinar you liked is missing, start with the basics and go free courses from GeekBrains for beginners. You can learn a great deal, without spending a dime. And when your job will be to make money, you can spend part of the income and further education, which in turn will help increase revenue.
P. S. Do not worry, kebabs do not have to miss, because the schedule of webinars is made taking into account the holidays.
P. P. S. Do not forget to register.
Learning to code with GeekBrains