"Special projects 500 thousand rubles": what advertisers are willing to pay
Forming / / December 19, 2019
Special projects - a new language of advertising. Who is it speaking as business mediaploschadki (and that is what the native ads), and non-profit organizations. Let's see why the trend in special projects, who creates and whether it is possible to learn.
The ability to create content is useful not only in the media sphere, but also in the marketing of almost any company. It must be nice to present their values, to attract the audience not only on the forehead, but also through interesting stories, to know how the different channels to get the most coverage.
Natalya Kulikova, director of marketing Skyeng
Why is the trend?
In simple terms, special projects - a non-standard ad formats.
When performance indicators on conventional media or content-placements began to fall sharply, mediaploschadki, existing at the expense of advertising, thinking: how to convey the information in an appropriate form, the most appropriate and natural for reader?
So there were native formats when a product or company information fits into the overall style of the publication.
In a special project efficiency usually are two main indicators:
- relevance / speed (when played upon some events, which have large resonance in a society);
- virality (when the project is so interesting to the reader that they want to share in social networks).
As a result, special projects receive much more coverage for the same or lower cost. And that they are very attractive to advertisers. For media is a good opportunity to conduct long-term cooperation, not cluttered your site different kinds of advertising. You can keep your audience engaged without overwhelming her attention to banner ads and openly advertising publications.
Media do now is not easy: many competing platforms and content around, it is important in all this diversity is not to get confused. Essential Skills content producer from the creation, in fact, the materials to interact with the digital environment.
Maxim Kashulinsky, publisher Republic
Last year the team made Layfhakera native advertising nearly 400 companies, among them - Adidas, Microsoft, Mazda, Philips, Visa and other major brands. All projects are organically fit into the structure of the site and, judging by the results were interesting to the audience.
Joint project with Adidas # yasozdayusebya covered more than 7 million readers, while the effectiveness of the special project totals were higher than expected.
Who creates special projects?
The creation of a special project at # yasozdayusebya is a whole team, from 5 to 20 people: designers, web designers, journalists, cameramen. Each of them has its own area of ​​responsibility - the creation of a specific type of content (text, video, or photo).
The team should be "central control", who oversees the entire process of creating the project. Them is a content producer.
The name of the profession is quite new, not quite at the hearing, since in and of themselves special projects are at the stage of intensive growth. Media only learn to work with them.
Content Producer It is a key element and is responsible for the entire project. It can be as a representative of the media, which will be hosted, as well as a representative of the client company, initiating the process.
These people with all of the pool needed to create a special project competencies in the market is very small. You need to have experience with almost every component of the project: from the creation of content, its packaging, and distribution. It should be quite a good understanding of marketing, since every project has its own goals and they always countable.
What do those who want to devote themselves to the profession content producer? Especially that the conditions for such specialists is very attractive: good salary, the opportunity to work out of the office to chat with lots of interesting and talented people and always see the results of their work.
The answer is to learn.
The program for journalists and media people in higher education lags behind the market requirements of 20 years. Cool, new media professionals that are willing to share their knowledge right now, without waiting for the content to begin to teach in universities.
Sasha Zhukovskaya, copywriter at "Tinkoff Bank"
Where they teach?
Unfortunately, the university education is not possible to get the output of the "universal soldier" to work with the content. More needs team management skills, project management, marketing knowledge, sober mind and cold heart.
Therefore, the University of Internet professions "Netologiya", which actively contributes to the growth of Internet professionals launched full-time training program "Content Producer".
April 13 in Moscow (Digital October) kicks off the first set, where leading experts from the "Kommersant", "Theory and Practice" PH "the Committee", the LAM, TASS, "Rain", RBC and Mail.ru Group in will tell you how to be cool for five months content producer.
Education is based on the principle of "50% theory - 50% practice", and classroom training gives space for useful contacts. This is an important aspect in the work of the producer.
As part of the thesis, you will create a full-fledged special project and be able to work with all types of content.
Investing in education will return to you in a couple of months of work in this direction.
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