How to learn to swim breaststroke
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
Many of those who have not learned to swim as a child, sidestep pool. And in vain! After swimming a perfect complement to jogging and exercise in a rocking chair. And for those who are going to start on the path of healthy lifestyle, swimming can be a great first step. Learn to swim at any age. We picked up a few videos that will help you with this. Let's start with the breaststroke.
Brass can be considered the most accessible swimming style. To begin with it is easiest, since it allows you to feel confident enough in the water and at the same time does not require a lot of energy.
Basic moments
While swimming breaststroke arm and leg movements are performed in water without lifting into the air. Brass - quiet style navigation. With the movement of the hands you are unlikely to encounter any problems. But with the feet can be tricky. In this case, you can pick up dosochki and train the legs separately.
Regarding the proper breathing, the deep breaths (mouth) head rises above the water surface at the moment when the hands go back. In fact, this contributes to the movement of the whole body, so such a movement in the water there is much more natural than reading. Exhale to do the nose and mouth into the water.
The main rule - the movement in the water should be smooth. The force should not be excessive, and deep breathing and should remain flat.
Of course, you should not assume breaststroke something elementary. When you want to significantly increase the speed, most likely, you will need a coach advice for error correction. But first, you may well be able to learn how to swim with the following video.
Video number 1: The position of the body
From head to toe body should be on the same smooth lines. Face omitted in water during exhalation. During inhalation, the head is pushed out of the water one movement. The spine in this case remains straight and your shoulders and neck are not overreach. Particular attention should be paid to the abdominal muscles: The stomach must be retracted during the voyage.
Video number 2: legs
That's right repulsion kicked a major contributor to the speed. Pull the heel as close as possible to the buttocksTo then make a strong push. During the movement of lower leg to the center of the foot move also towards each other.
Video number 3: hands
Hands should rake as much water as possible, directing the body forward and up out of the water for inhalation.
Video number 4: Breath
Proper breathing allows to feed oxygen to your muscles, which is necessary for strong, efficient movements. Do not strain your shoulders during inspiration. Smooth exhale during the movement of the arms back contributes to lifting the head out of the water to breath.
Hopefully, now that you know how to learn to swim. :)