10 free online courses next week
Forming / / December 19, 2019
Portion of new knowledge for those who do not get tired to study. From 5 to 11 February, offers courses in economics, psychology, literature, and other subjects.
1. Enterprise economy. Part 1
start the course: February 5, 2018.
course duration: 16 weeks.
Area"Open education".
Organizer: Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great.
Tongue: Russian.
The course is for managers and economists. What resources are there in the organization? What makes it waste? How to manage now that it is cost-effective? You will get answers to these and many other questions in lectures professors and associate professors of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. The other two parts of the course, too, will start on 5 February.
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2. Tools of Positive Psychology in Management
start the course: February 5, 2018.
course duration: 4 weeks.
Area: Coursera.
Organizer: Saint-Petersburg State University.
Tongue: Russian.
Is free without a certificate.
The course is for managers. You will get acquainted with the methods of positive management and learn how to use it to improve
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3. Psychology
start the course: February 5, 2018.
course duration: 16 weeks.
Area"Open education".
Organizer: High School of Economics.
Tongue: Russian.
The course will give you basic knowledge about the mind, the features of the formation and development of the individual, as well as the phenomena of human behavior in different situations. Such knowledge will be useful not only in professional but also in personal life.
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4. Irrational Economics: psychology and culture affect your financial well-being
start the course: February 5, 2018.
The volume of the course3 module.
Organizer: Moscow State University named after M. IN. Lomonosov.
Tongue: Russian.
"Why should I buy?" - if you at least once resented on this occasion, this course is for you. He will reveal the psychological and socio-cultural factors that drive people to irrational decisions. Study them to nothing not to empty purse.
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5. Creating a noisy PR-actions from scratch: the generation of ideas
Date and time of employment: February 7, 2018 at 19:00 Moscow time.
volume1 module.
AuthorOleg Voronin, the CEO of the PR-agency Bernays.
Tongue: Russian.
Do you want to know about your product? Spend a good PR campaign. How to develop its concept and translate into reality, to tell at this public session.
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6. Analysis of the data in Google Analytics
start the course: February 2018.
The volume of the course10 modules.
AuthorAndrei Osipov.
Tongue: Russian.
From this course learn a lot of useful information even experienced web analytics. Custom reports, segments, upload data, multi-channel attribution and more.
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7. Engineering the history of civilization
start the course: February 5, 2018.
The volume of the course4 module.
OrganizerNational Research Nuclear University "MEPhI".
Tongue: Russian.
Learn how various inventions have changed the course of history and how history contributed to the progress of civilization. The course will be of interest both techies (for diversity) and the humanities (for self).
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8. The aircraft from passenger to engineer
start the course: February 8, 2018.
course duration: 4 weeks.
Organizer: Samara University.
Tongue: Russian.
Have you ever wondered why flights They are so expensive? The answer to this question will give you a part of this course. You will learn the main characteristics of the aircraft, and will also learn what the requirements put forward to the safety and comfort of passengers.
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9. Silver Age of Russian Poetry
start the course: February 2018.
The volume of the course1 module.
Author: Love Maslennikov.
Tongue: Russian.
Silver Age is the time when He created Yesenin, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Anna Akhmatova, Marina Tsvetaeva and other prominent authors. If you close the poetry of the early twentieth century, be sure to listen to this short course.
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10. The structure and function of the human digestive system
start the course: February 2018.
The volume of the course2 module.
Author: Evgeny Glazunov.
Tongue: Russian.
This short course which describes what constitutes human digestive tract as digestion occurs in the oral cavity, stomach and intestine. Lectures are focused on students, but will also be useful for adults who take care of their diet.
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