10 free online courses that can be written next week
Forming / / December 19, 2019
Master the new online trade, learn to make jokes like pros and nurture creativity in your child.
1. Digital-start: the first step towards a profession in demand
Starting dates: August 8, 2018.
Course duration: 2 weeks.
The volume of the program: 12:00 theory.
Organizer: "Netologiya".
Tongue: Russian.
The two-week program of "Netologii", thanks to which you will learn all about the actual Internet trades, select the appropriate direction of career and realize that retraining - it not scary. To help you in this will be the experts Mail. Ru Group, Avito, OneTwoTrip and Red Keds.
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2. Petersburg intersections
Starting dates: August 15, 2018.
Course duration: 5 weeks.
Organizer: Presidential physical-mathematical lyceum № 239, Academy postdegree pedagogical formation (Anno) Association of Teachers of All-Russian literature (Azul).
Area: "Lectorium."
Tongue: Russian.
The course, which took third place in the direction of "Humanities" at the competition EdCrunch Award 2015 is a literary walk in St. Petersburg with the best teachers of literature. It will be useful to high school students, students and everyone who is not indifferent to the "Petersburg text".
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3. History of philosophy
Volume of the course: 9 hours.
Organizer: BFU them. AND. Kant.
Area: "Stepik".
Tongue: Russian.
The course is devoted to the consideration of major epochs, names of schools and trends in the history of philosophy from antiquity to the XX century. Suitable even the busiest: the short version is composed of a five-minute lecture and a few tests, expanded - a series of 15-minute video, text and verification tasks.
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4. life makes the search for the basics
Starting dates: August 13, 2018.
Course duration: 5 weeks.
Organizer: National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI".
Area: Coursera.
Tongue: Russian.
Is free available part of the lectures and videos.
Five weeks of brainstorming for those who want to find themselves, to see a clear picture of your future, be able to find balance between work and personal life, to understand their own strengths and weaknesses.
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5. Graphic Design Course: composition, color, typography
Starting dates: August 15, 2018.
Course duration: 3 weeks.
Organizer: "Netologiya".
Tongue: Russian.
Free course on "Netologii" in which you will understand the basics of graphic design and lay the foundation for future career development. The program - the laws of composition, selection of color solutions for projects, branding, typography and more.
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6. Developing Mobile Applications for Android
Volume of the course: 9 hours.
Organizer: Omsk State Technical University.
Area: "Stepik".
Tongue: Russian.
The compact course introduces the basic principles of the development of applications for Android. Repeating the steps of the teacher of action, you will be able to write his first working application.
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7. English for IT-Professionals
Volume of the course: 6 email-lessons.
Organizer: Geek Brains.
Tongue: Russian.
Joint development of IT-portal Geek Brains and Skyeng school English language. In six lessons you expand your vocabulary, begin to quote the great IT people and learn effervescent jokes in the company of the English-speaking colleagues.
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8. Basics of successful business communication
Starting dates: August 7, 2018.
Course duration: 12 weeks.
Organizer: Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University LETI.
Area: "Lectorium."
Tongue: Russian.
The course is devoted to the basics of communication theory and is accompanied by practical exercises. If the time to cope with all the tests - will receive a certificate from the LETI.
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9. Education of creativity in the family
Volume of the course: 6 modules.
Organizer: international laboratory "Education for a New Era."
Area: "Universarium".
Tongue: Russian.
Twenty-two lectures will teach parents to communicate with the child in such a way as to awaken his imagination, thinking and creativity.
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10. Webinar "Marketing of YouTube»
The date of the: August 9, 2018, 16:00 Moscow.
Organizer: Internet Marketing School MyAcademy.
Tongue: Russian.
All about developing the right strategy to promote and YouTube really key factors of the success of your channel.
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