20 okolofutbolnoy words and expressions, in which it is easy to make a mistake
Forming / / December 19, 2019
1. FIFA World Cup - 2018
All the words in the phrase "World Cup" if it is not on the beginning of a sentence, written with a lowercase letter, and the figure is separated from it by a dash. The same rule subject to the phrase "national team" and "champion." Write them with capital letters do not need even a great joy or in a burst of patriotism.
Such writing is enshrined in the spelling dictionary Lopatin Nechaeva and Chel'zova "The uppercase or lowercase?".
2. World Championship Cup in 2018
This phrase is, on the contrary, it is written with a capital letter, as always, when the word "cup" comes first in the sporting event title. But everything will change, if it is moved to another position: "Intercontinental Cup" will be written in this way.
3. "Coaches" and not "coach"
Before you scold trainers last words, remember how to properly call. Modern literary norm suggests that the plural word "coach" sounds like "trainers".
4. "Offside", instead of "offside"
This explains the tradition literary norm: when borrowing a word from a foreign language double consonants are transformed into one. For example, what happened to the blogger, Offline, office. Offside was no exception.
5. "Appeal" rather than "an appeal"
In football, the reasons for an appeal to spare. You can challenge decisions doping Committee before the tournament or the judge directly in the process. What can not be, because it is double "n" in the word.
6. "Disqualification" to not "dizkvalifikatsiya"
If an athlete is "finished badly", it is waiting for disqualification. Here everything is simple: the prefix "dis" is written before vowels, "dis" - before consonants.
7. "Derby" and not "Darby"
Frankly speaking, the word "derby" is practically not useful to you in a conversation about the World Cup, as it denotes a fight teams from the same city or region. But if you decide to delve into the career of a player, write "derby" through "e".
8. "Boots", rather than "boots"
Spiked Boot is on a par with less brutal shoes, sneakers, sandals, and sandals. She is feminine.
9. Playoffs
In Russian, the word not only to keep playoff double consonants, but has acquired a hyphen. Explanation for this is not found. So you have to just remember that a series of knockout described in one word exactly.
10. "Arbitrator" and not "Orbiter"
Although some judges are the stars in their profession, they do not have orbits. And the name is not derived from the word, from the Latin and arbiter - «observer».
11. "Referee" and not "referi"
If you and pulls to name a judge to borrow the words, pay attention also on this option. In "referee" no "e" letters, which can be heard in conversation.
12. "Mundial" and not "mundeal"
For those who seek for brevity, there is synonymous with the phrase "World Cup", and it is quite a decent word "world championship". It began to be used after the 1982 World Cup, which was held in Spain. Mundial is translated from Spanish as the "world."
13. "Own" and not "auto-goal"
"Auto ..." as the first part of the compound word is always written together. Put after a space or a hyphen - the same unforgivable mistakeAs an own goal.
14. "Counterattack" and not "counter-attack"
The first part of the compound word "counter ..." in most cases written together. Of commonly used words from the only exception is Rear Adm.
15. "Draw", and not "zhrebovka"
This word comes from the word "lot" instead of "stallion", so in a fit of some intelligence and pulls off the "extra" letter. However, its presence can be easily explained: centuries before the word "lots" look like "foals". In addition, the word "draw" is much easier to say no tongue fracture.
16. "Draw" and "neither whose"
Equal the score at the end of the game designated by the word "draw". In this case the match ends in a drawAnd reduce the opponents fight to draw. In general, the nuances in the writing of the word so much that it would be better if someone still won every game.
17. midfielder
The English midfielder, midline player called half back. In Russian "f" was transformed into "in." In the second part I kept the letter "e", because the old borrowing. In the words, taken over later, often featured "e". For example, in the "flashback" and "hatchback".
18. "Autsayd" rather than "out-side"
Do not let it sneak in a word with a hyphen. It is written together in the Russian language and in English. It is also important to remember that the striker, though extreme, but to call him an outsider, too, is wrong.
19. "Win," and not "win"
If you set up for the World Cup optimistically, Remember that the "th" after the prefix in the word take nowhere. So let the team win with dignity, rather than doubtful win.
20. "Razed to the ground" and not "bulldoze"
This phrase is useful to you, and after the World Cup, so you should understand the difference: raze - to make something smooth, even - to do something equal. Idiom "raze to the ground," supposedly dates back to the period when the enemy destroyed the city to the ground, that is, on the site of the settlement remained flat place.
Many sources erroneous variant occurs as the right, but not be fooled: in "Phrasebook Russian literary language" edited Fedorov designated option "raze to the ground. " And, of course, here it refers to the soil, not the planet, so "earth" is spelled with a lowercase letter.
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