7 signs of a really good kindergarten
Forming / / December 19, 2019
1. Individual approach, but general rules
Educator, you can rely on - is consistent caregiver. His reaction is more or less predictable for the child, and the rules do not change with each new situation.
Psychologist Anna Bykov in his book "My child is happy to go to kindergarten!"Children are well aware of the strict "no", but with the understanding of more complex structures such as "generally it is impossible, but today it is possible, and then can not again, well, except that in the extreme case, "always arise Problems.
Individual approach - is when one child during the quiet hours of stroke on the back, on the other face "severe" look, and the third allowed to just lie down. But all are in bed, no one is playing in the corner. Children do not need exceptions to the rules and boundaries and stability. Then they feel safe.
2. The children in the group to cooperate rather than compete
Games and activities aimed at the consolidation of contact, rather than competition. For example, children draw on general sheet: one painted on wood - and turned wood. Or together, each cube, build a house.
Caregivers in the group do not compare children and do not discuss them - either directly or hints, no joke. child achieve evaluated with respect to its own level, not the level of the other. Celebrating the success of each and encourage children to enjoy each other.
Olga Kozlovsky, Methodist KindergartenChildren willingly take on adult responsibilities and look after each other. Trohletki gladly laid spoons, napkins, bread. Older children are fully staffed, set the table and clear the table, while they themselves distribute responsibilities.
Hierarchy "worse - better" grading system with stickers or medal for the behavior of children gives reason to ridicule and envy. And from that in the end everyone loses.
3. Caregivers impose sanctions, but not humiliated
Penalties are needed to cool down and calm the child thought about the situation. But they should not cause fear or shame. For example, if a child is sent to sit on a chair to the side, it should be a "thinking chair" instead of "shame." A good tutor does not provoke other children to condemn, not to mention the guilty, "Look how bad."
If a child talks about the horrors of the kindergarten, not necessarily immediately call the police. As educators say: "Do not believe everything your child says about kindergarten, and we promise not to believe everything he tells you." It is worth to observe, in what mood he goes back to where it "offended". And gently find out from the teacher that could cause such complaints.
More you can play with your child at home to kindergarten, right under the regime of the day. Play like dolls come in a group, have breakfast, play. Most likely, you will hear the phrase that is often heard in the garden, catch the atmosphere and understand what is causing the child the most intense emotions.
4. Space feeds, and does not distract the child
A common problem in children's rooms - an abundance of color and diversity. Color spots scatter the attention, prevent the child to concentrate. Best of all, when there is a basic, bright tone, and two or three more. The play area is can be bright colors, in the bedroom or in the training room - quiet complex shades.
Olga Kozlovsky, Methodist KindergartenInformation should not be much. All that is hanging on the walls, should bear meaning. Only one or two posters on topics that children learn at the moment. After the time to change them.
Children, like adults, tend to settle in the territory. They like to participate in the design group. Well, when a child has the opportunity to bring his toy, attach inside the locker favorite picture. Or draw on the wall in a special place.
Mihich Jeftic Marko
Director of the Department of Systems Transformations pic
Child quickly becomes bored in a space that he has already mastered. Divergent thinking, that is, the ability to seek innovative solutions to slow down. Therefore, it is important that the space was convertible.
Furniture can easily clean up, move, arrange, individually or in combination. Soft modules can be used as a constructor, an obstacle course, or seats in the auditorium. A screen - as part of the submission or as a wall of the house. Children can invent more game options and the use of things than adults. Therefore it is necessary to create a space that does not impose scenario.
And yet it is important that the group was a corner retreat where children can escape from all and take a breath.
All toys are freely available - the child chooses what to play and how much, and then he takes away everything in place. It does not matter if something is only one instance: children learn to wait their turn, to negotiate and change.
These principles formed the basis for the creation of a kindergarten in the LCD PIC "Bunin meadows"According to the British draft, which will be municipal.
5. The child is not forced to eat, but always try to offer
Well, if the educators are the preferences of the children calm. And do not meet parents' evening ACCOUNTS about how their child is eating. After all, the food - this is not a reason for pride or guilt. And certainly not the most interesting thing that happened during the day.
Very nice if at the same time they help a child learn to love the food and their own tastes. Usually problems arise in children with unfamiliar dishes. Pasta and potatoes to eat almost everything, because they cook at home. But to the casserole or fish cakes still have to get used to. And in order to get used to, it is necessary to rasprobovat.
The rule of "You can not eat, but try - a must!" Works: the second, third, fifth attempt child imbued with new taste. And then begins to understand their preferences: this dish, he will ask additive, and that will eat half a spoon.
6. Parents can choose and influence
Some parents want to take the children into the inclusive group, and others - in the group for gifted children. Someone dreams of mathematics at Peterson, but someone on the Montessori system. Well, when it is possible to select at least a pair of options, and not just settle for what is. The same applies to additional employment. You can be skeptical of early English or music, but it's great when a child has the opportunity to try something new for a nominal fee.
It so happens that no sections or no choice of educational programs. And then there is all - the forces of enthusiasts. It is therefore important that parents, teachers and management were at the same time.
Olga Kozlovsky, Methodist KindergartenHow do you know that you are here to listen to? Parents usually feel it immediately. If there are no omissions and intractable problems, if you can come and safely something to offer, ask questions - then everything is in order.
Ask questions - this is a separate issue. Ideally, the counseling center works in the garden, where parents can ask for advice from expert practitioners: speech therapists, psychologists, music teachers. But even if it does not, it is important that parents are always able to talk to any teacher of their child.
7. In the courtyard you can play and run around and quietly observe nature
On a good site a lot of space for outdoor games - dogonyalok, bouncers, the classics - and horizontal bars and sports equipment suitable for children of age and growth. The play space is not only specific, but abstract constructions: the ship or the machine set the script ready for the game, and the wooden platform makes it possible to fantasize.
Mihich Jeftic Marko
Director of the Department of Systems Transformations pic
Nature - it's not just the trees and flowers, but also a relief irregularities, pebbles underfoot, the materials from which made outdoor furniture and sports equipment. Up to seven years in the child formed sensory standards, which will continue to influence his thinking. It is therefore important that the materials are around textured and alive, and colors - natural and diverse.
Visually, everything must be made in the same style - and navigation, and drawings on the walls of the verandah. Images must be larger and located in a field of view of the child, no more than 1.5 meters. Well, if there are site design elements letters and numbers. We try to implement these principles and the regeneration of the gardens, and for individual sites.
It's great when the area there are mechanisms that can rotate, twist and switch. But no less important that the child had the opportunity to work and watch. Birdhouse on a tree, manger, in which every morning drop the familiar birds, a couple of small beds with vegetables or wild rose bush - often these are the things leave fond memories of the garden.