Daily analysis of both the development of technology
Forming Motivation / / December 19, 2019
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I used to read a lot of books on efficiency, time management, management and the like. But 6 months ago, I came up with their own tools, which became indispensable for me to self-technology. It is a daily self-examination. It brings me a great favor, and replaced all other technologies. I hope that he will help you!
Here's how I use this tool. Every day at 22:00 I triggered the alarm for mobile. Constancy must! At this time, I will definitely must allocate a minimum of 20-30 minutes to analyze the case of the day. I spend analysis at the following list and be sure to writing (for this I have a separate notebook):
1. What I did right / good? How can you leverage these benefits in the future?
2. What did I do wrong? What could have been done better? As in the future to deal with such situations and correct errors?
3. What more could be done? Why was this not done? How to avoid future repetition of this situation?
(This is a must! You can all day guys are doing, and on the first two points to pass as handsome).
4. Approx whether the current day to achieve my long-term goals? What should be done to even get closer to the goals? (Accordingly, you must be a goal.)
5. What am I going to do tomorrow to reinforce the strengths, weaknesses and bypass closer to achieving its long-term goals? This item comes as a conclusion of the previous 4.
To reinforce this point yet, you can work out the tasks for the next day in the organizer. Very often we "throw" of the problem around, and we did not hesitate to write them in your organizer. If sober in a quiet environment to look at these problems and analyze them point of view of its objectives, it can be waived by half, and another quarter you can delegate to someone another.
Mandatory rules for the implementation of self-analysis:
1. Analyze the business only of the current day. You do not remember with whom and how "wrong" communicated or held a telephone conversation yesterday. Do whatever is necessary in hot pursuit.
2. Analysis to be everything: why I had a long commute? How many times, and who called me? Why do I call it? You could call someone from the staff? How did the negotiations, and that I have missed? How to optimize the financial scheme of my company? How to reduce the tax burden in the light of the last payment of income tax ...
I review the calls that came to my cell, I see the mail, organizer.
3. Do constantly. It is very difficult to force myself to do self-examination time. It often happens that you are in the evening tired and want to relax, no strength, you want to eat, etc. But to use this tool must be constantly! Otherwise, nothing will from him.
4. Do everything in writing.
So it turns out deeper analysis and understanding of, and you can record for the conclusions and important points are worth paying attention to.
5. Once a month, you need to review the conclusions (paragraph 5) and analyze whether they were carried out, if everything goes smoothly. If not, you have to set a goal for the week and focus on any one aspect. It is very important. Because we all know that there is a huge difference between how to do and how I do it.
It would seem that the tool is very simple, but as a result of its use, I received a real benefit:
1. It reduces the load - I began to give up a large number of tasks, projects and businesses that are contrary to my purposes.
2. Life has become more conscious - daily analysis very clearly underlines my strengths and weaknesses, correct and incorrect actions, with time relationships.
3. Small daily improvements - in fact my system helps to implement the same principle as the "kaizen".
4. Before using this tool, I was in the Brownian motion - a lot of things, meetings, projects, tasks. After the start of use - all unfolds on the shelves, it is clear and understandable.
I'm sure you well know the feeling when you are constantly busy. You are doing something, like a lot, all day long. But when a year goes by and you ask yourself: "What do I have achieved this year that I have made a significant" - that comes to mind only the new iPhone and a couple of some stupid noisy get-togethers with friends, and all. But it went a whole year! And you give yourself a word that in the next year to fix it, will do something meaningful, but this year passes and nothing really does not change. I have described the tool allows you to break this vicious circle.
The use of this tool, there is only one problem - you need to have a fairly high level of self-criticism. Check for self-criticism - the question "What are my weaknesses?" If the question you do not have any answers, the tool is unlikely for you. And more to simplify the analysis of the day's events, it is possible to approach to all what has happened in terms of such a chain: I wanted to get it? - that really got? - why did this happen?
I wish you success.