Learning English with the help of the media: how to hack his memory
Tips Forming / / December 19, 2019
Now there are many ways of learning English, many of which claim to be to be interesting and accessible. How to motivate students? How to make the learning process more fun and interactivity?! Well, I do not know... is occupied by amphetamine?! This embodiment has significant drawbacks =). I propose to consider my way of learning English. I apologize in advance for the redundancy of the text, I tried to explain as fully as possible and more accessible, who do not want to read - on the article attached video, watch it. The main attention will be focused on well-known in narrow circles, Anki app. There is a Russian version, but it has neither the Russian-speaking guide, no sensible Russian-speaking forum. I will try it partially correct, considered some of the subtleties treatment with this application. But the basic principles can be found in the video below:
The article "[How to learn] to read books in English in the original correctly"Has already been in this, we will study Anki application in the context of interaction with multimedia files. Suppose we want to see a series of our favorite sitcom. If your knowledge of English is small, you can review the video, previously seen in Russian. That's what I'm doing. But even knowing the basic sense, when watching videos with English voice acting, we can meet a lot of unknown words. This problem can be solved.
- To get started, download archive files (google drive) And unpack somewhere on your hard drive.
- Then download the corresponding English subtitles .srt format. For example from the site tvsubtitles.net/
Using any text editor, open our subtitle file, select all, copy.
- The Internet browser opens the wonderful service Wordsfromtext, Checking in, we press the left top «Add text», select option «Paste a text».
- Paste the text in the «Text title» Field prescribe the name and proscholkivaem all known word mark «Known».
- Then, switch the control display words «Show words» in position «New», select and copy the resulting words.
Note: If you plan to learn the words in the near future, it will be wiser to just check all the word as "known". To do this, switch the controller display the words «Show words» in position «All» and mark all the words marked «Known». The fastest way to do this, hold down Shift. At first, it will take a lot of time, but as the words filling base in service, will be faster. I, to accelerate the process, immediately threw all known to me the words that I have in electronic form, and mark them as «Known».
- We put the word in any spreadsheet editor (yes even if the same Microsoft Excel), highlighting any column.
- Remove the excess, leaving only a column with English words. Optionally, you can leave the translation into Russian as it is, but the service is not always adequately wordsfromtext.com translates words, it is better to adjust to Google Translate.
- Move the column to the left (first).
- Copy it and paste it into service http://lingorado.com/.
- Copy and paste the resulting transcription right.
- If necessary, adjust the transcription, copying of any dictionary. But it is much more convenient to do it directly from your browser by lingualeo plugin.
Price: 0
- Then copy back English words, and inserted into Google Translate. Optionally edit the transfer, it is clickable, but with the proviso that the words would be no more than 200 (approximately). Copy and paste the resulting translation in the right column.
- Next we need to get a .txt-file. Copy the text from the resulting table in Notepad (if saved directly from Excel to txt - does not appear transcription). To avoid import problems, it is better to save in UTF-8. Click the \ Save As \, enter the name and at the bottom of the window select the option UTF-8 encoding.
- Then download the application Anki c official site. Set. Open.
Note: To be considered a Russian version.
- Click Tools \ Office of the types of records \ Add \. Then select any option, for example "Home" and somehow call it, say, «From WFT».
- Choosing our record type, select the button to the right "Field". Rename the field "A" in "word", "Question" in the "transcription", add "definition" field.
Further, in the same window, press "Card" and name fields of the template as in the screenshot below. Or open the document "templates" of already downloaded archive, and from «From WFT» item, copy the text in the appropriate cells. It should look like this:
Keyboard shortcuts when working with text and file, has not been canceled: ctrl + C - copy, ctrl + V - paste, ctrl + A - select all. Allocate column in Excel and Word, you can by clicking on the upper face of the table. Of course do not forget as memorizing the cards back to the service Wordsfromtext and translate words in status «Known». It is always possible to edit card Anki when viewed in a PC or mobile device.
So conceived creators Anki, she is unable to turn the cards in a certain deck, ie it exhibits them only in one direction (e.g., English-Russian). I recommend just to create a "inverted" deck. For this:
- In the same box at the top right click "+."
- Push in the new card tab at the bottom button "Turn". The app will import the cards into one deck, which facilitates the process of remembering the word for teach because in one session words can be repeated. It is desirable to divide into separate decks normal and "inverted" and view them separately, with a certain time interval between scans. To do this, in the same window "types of cards for ..." tab at the bottom of the inverted cards click on the "More \ Override deck" and enter the name of the inverted deck. Now when you add cards with this type of recording (import or manually add the cards), all inverted cards will be sent to it in our "inverted deck." Our Anki file and ready for import.
- Go back to the main window of Anki, create a deck (knopar below) is called as the heart desires, such as «Deck».
- Push the button "Import File", choose our text file, check the compliance of the order of fields in the application and the column with the words in a text file. If something does not match, you can change.
- Hit Import. We rejoice.
- Go to section "Deck" on the main Anki window, and if you do not have your smartphone on your iOS or Android, you can learn directly on your computer. But it is much easier to do this on a mobile device.
For this:
- Register on the site Anki.
- Login To Anki on the PC. Synchronizing with the server (Y on the keyboard).
- Install a mobile application for iPhone or Android-smartphone and login there. Synchronizing.
Price: 1890 rubles
Price: Free
Note: please note that the server synchronization occurs without bilateral "negotiation" of changes, you do not dropboks. Those. If you have made any changes to your computer / smartphone / another computer, it is better to synchronize with server to complete the training session, otherwise Anki will overwrite changes on one side (computer / smartphone / other computer).
Of course, if you do not have WiFi or unlimited mobile internet, you can flip the deck each time manually via USB, but the fact he and technological progress, to make our lives easier. Basically, to get the required deck there is a way easier: to register Lingualeo, Install the appropriate plugin for your browser, add them to a database of Lingualeo Wordsfromtext base proscholkav every word, then display ready for import cards with pictures and voice through a plugin Lingua. Get (here Related article). But:
- Proscholkivat 100-200 words is obtained for a long time, and a group of adding words.
- Need gold status (990r. in year).
- Plug-Lingua. Get prints words on the decks, and the number 1-100, 101-200... 901-1000. Uncomfortable.
- Card obtained without transcription, for me this is critical.
I liked the service, and if you will constantly engage with them and to make the so-called meatballs, then buy gold status is not necessary. Yet they have applications for mobile platforms, such as threatened and add interval method of repetition of words.
So, we have in stock and ready to pack insatiable desire to know English. Memorizing words, I think, a week or two will suffice. And maybe three days. In my opinion, it is better to fix the word in memory. By the way, the application uses an algorithm memorization SuperMemo SM2, which provides a repetition increasing intervals to compensate forgetting process having an exponential character descending. This is regulated in the settings, but the developers do not recommend doing. You can just in memorizing, to press the button "difficult" \ "easy" reducing \ increasing repetition intervals.
We summarize our actions: we have created and started to replenish the base of learning English words. We also studied the basic meaning of English words, to view the video. It would seem that you can jump directly to the view. But, as we learned by only the basic meaning of words, we certainly meet them unfamiliar to variations. They also do well to translate and learn, and, together with the whole phrase, because the word is stored in the context of the phrase, it is better digested. This problem can be solved.
Learning English with the help of the media: how to hack his memory - 2